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I am better to embed all testing assembly instruction in the antlr listener

I am better to embed all testing assembly instruction in the antlr listener rather than finding a way to embed them into the antlr grammar, because: Using parser of parser skill set to write a parser to parse antlr grammar and extract the testing asm instruction is too risky. One day the antlr grammar will […]

Netbeans quick outline

Eclipse quick outline is just so convenient, after i press command-O shortcut, i can type in keyword to filter the function/variable i want, then just click enter to jump to it. In netbeans, when i press cmomand-7, it opens navigator window which is similar to eclipse one, but it doesn’t support filtering and sometime can […]

SharePoint – Patterns and Practices

These web are good for you to learn latest SharePoint dev patterns and practices – [PnP at]( – Welcome page with sample and guidance search – [SharePoint Dev Group]( – Questions and feedback – [PnP at MSDN]( – [PnP videos]( at YouTube – [PnP at]( – – [PnP Sites Core Component]( – […]

Added test case for api /doesuserhavepermissions

Added test case for api : _api/web/doesuserhavepermissions, you can use this example to test for a specific permission of a specific user. You must add the user to the SharePoint owner group, otherwise it will return false. If the user don’t event have right to enter the subsite, the api will return 403. The […]

spring-boot pack fat jar with jsp

Very important notes on spring boot , if you want to pack your spring-boot into an executable jar with jsp, wherever you put your jsp insrc/main/META-INF/resources orsrc/main/webapp, it will not work. The correct way to pack your application is : pack your spring-boot app into war instead of jar, but you can still execute your […]

SharePoint Online get all items with fields specified by view

I am not sure i am correct or not. There is no /_api/web/lists/GetByTitle(‘your list’)/View/getbytitle(‘your view’)/items restful api for SharePoint online. So to get the items with fields that specificed by a view, you need these steps: Call “/_api/web/lists/GetByTitle(‘your list’)/fields” to read all fields and save all “InternalName” and “FieldTypeKind” Call “/_api/web/lists/GetByTitle(‘your list’)/View/getbytitle(‘your view’)/ViewFields” to read […]

WordPress SharePoint tag to read document library

I want to display files in SharePoint’s document library in my wordpress. There is one big technical problem, javascript still can’t do external authentication to SharePoint, by default your browser blocked corss site script. Even you enabled it in command line, your javascript still can’t set the custom “Cookie” in the header that need to […]

Solved: Error while finding module specification for ‘azure.cli’ (ModuleNotFoundError: No module named ‘azure’)

when you have the follow error when running azure-cli az command: /Users/peter/lib/azure-cli/bin/python: Error while finding module specification for ‘azure.cli’ (ModuleNotFoundError: No module named ‘azure’) Just run directly

Display gitlab projects in your wordpress page

It seems there is no plugin to display a project list of your gitlab, so do this Step 1) Install this plugin Step 2) Generate a access token in your gitlab Step 3) Paste the token in to line 4 below Step 4) Paste the these code into your page Step 5) For the […]

The simplest guide to setup dev environment for stm32l476rg

The simplest guide to setup dev environment for stm32l476rg: Step 1: Install eclipse Step 2: Download STM32 workbench from Step 3: Create a “c project” in eclipse and choose the board stm32l476rg, all other settings remain defaults, there is a dialog popup and you can download the cube4l in there, which is stm32 library Step […]

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