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Solved: liximomo error : file not found This is apparently a brand new problem that has been introduced into the newer versions of VS Code. I have FOUND A SOLUTION that seems to work well, by modifying a single line in the extension code. This is only valid for version 1.12.9 of the liximomo.sftp extension. Here are the steps: Shutdown / Quit VS Code. Locate […]

logic gate呢一層

我地平時用嘅variable,如果化到落logic gate呢一層,你無法找到佢嘅真身,佢亦都好可能同其它variable所化生嘅logic gate交織埋一齊,你亦都無可能找到佢確實嘅存在嘅時間,一切好虛無,但有其功用。呢個係coding體驗空性嘅其中一個睇法。而家啲programmer執著玩排位玩放位玩lang玩framework,真係好可憐。

Simplest guide to config tomcat to use https with lets encrypt’s free cert

Support you have generate a standalone cert using certbot command, and your cert is in /etc/letsencrypt/live/ . If not, follow this Execute openssl command and remember your password Edit tomcat’s conf/server.xml, you just need one connector to serve 8443, no need other conntector Restart your tomcat, it is done. Below is the virtualhost to […]


雜心論對鬼有比較祥細的描述:1. 鬼有六識:眼意鼻舌身意,中國人普遍認為鬼無肉身,所以無身識2. 六道中各有不同的鬼,人死變人鬼,畜牲死變畜牲鬼,最特別的就是地獄眾生死後變死獄的鬼,由此可見地獄道眾生不是鬼,而餓鬼的眾生也不是鬼,如果不是鬼又怎會死了才變鬼呢3. 鬼經過女性的陰道投胎,而不是飛入個肚到投胎4. 有兩種說法,人道的鬼只能見到人道的鬼,第二種說法是人道的鬼可以見到比人道更低層次(地獄/畜牲/餓鬼)的鬼5. 鬼有時是見不到其它的鬼的,而中國的鬼應該是一定見到其它鬼的6. 鬼入胎後近右手為男,近左手為女,中國的鬼無此說法7. 地獄道的鬼頭向下腳向上而行走,只有天道的鬼才會飛8. 六道中各道的鬼與其道眾生,身型大小相差不遠

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