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我想探討一下用電腦program與佛教輪廻之對比,唯先你必需要明白佛教講的核心理論就是無我,無常 Program之空性體驗 當你寫一段program去令電腦運行時,你所寫的每一行代碼你都會解釋到它的用途,所以你會有一種非常實在的感覺,但當你越鑽越深的時候,你會發現一個有趣現象就是你認為一個好實在的個體,例如 int x,去到深處你會發現它消失不見,又或者它可以同時出現在不同的空間之中。這正正體驗到佛教所講的無我,無我的意思是一件物件必定是由多個因緣所組成,它要在特定時刻和經由特定情況先至可以顯露在你面前,program都是一樣,你看不到只是你編程功力不夠

Redis uses its own protocol to communicate between redis-server and redis-client

I thought db client sending plain text command (in SQL) to server and server parse the command. But I found Redis and Mysql client communicate to server via a custom protocol, that prove the client parse the command, not the server socat -v tcp-listen:8001,reuseaddr,fork tcp:localhost:6379

Funny Toy : Oscilloscope

I got this electronic toy from Taobao, i want to have more experience on soldering and putting different components on the PCB and making them work. After 3 hours in soldering and 1 hour in debugging, i finally make it works All documents here

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