Monthly Archives: August 2019
Print antlr version in runtime
Assembler dev meeting #10

As usual, #10 meeting was hold in CityU. We getting more familiar with Intel basic instruction set translating. Here is the actions list for next week: Zero padding, cut of pad “0” Jenny consolidate your code into well format, let us understand and give us tutorial next sat morning Desmond: nasm in linux example, able […] 2019/08/25
Assembler Dev Meeting #9 2019/08/16

Meeting #9come up with these fixes: Kelvin fix 66 67 REX Prefix Ending bytes (displacement) Desmond fix IMM* > IMM 2019/08/19
Generic E-Form system design

Lots of customers has implemented e-form using different technologies such as Nintex, SPFX, Microsoft Flow. We are going to design a generic E-Form system for them, providing a centralize mechanism for administrators to add/remove eform, user management, log management and etc… 2019/08/14
Wheatstone bridge in multisim

Simulation is correct 2019/08/12
Why Multisim sometime is 100% accurate than calculation, sometimes is not

This exercise is 100% same as calculation But below one is not 100% same as calculation, it use just same components: VC + Resistors. Is multisim using brute force to guess out the voltage and current values? 2019/08/11
Antlr所有Embed action都會跑在Listener前面

意思是會先跑光所有embed action,然後才會跑listener裏面的function 2019/08/06
Assembler Dev meeting #6, #7 and #8

Desmond typed all basic instructions to grammar. We found some translation are wrong. I fixed the full test so can test all translated instructions. 2019/08/05
A nice book about how computer hardware works
