Monthly Archives: April 2013
peter-dwarf can support 32 bits elf only

There is a western friend told me he can’t use peter-dwarf to parse his 64 bits elf file, after i trace my code, i finally found my peter-dwarf library only support 32 bits elf. I need some time to enhance it and make it 64 bits.
something need to care when you use devstack

I have a ubuntu 12.10 64 bits, i can easily install devstack, but there are some points still need to care about the devstack 1. Devstack installation script is to git clone the latest version from the openstack source repository, if the repository’s code contain bug, your openstack will fail. If you use devstack in […]
steps to reinstall devstack

steps to reinstall devstack 1) Remove all the openstack;s databases from mysql, glance, keystone, nova, etc… 2) Delete the install directory of devstack, default is /opt/stack 3) Remove your old devstack git clone directory, because we want to check out the latest code 4) You *don’t* need to delete /usr/local/lib/python2.7/distpackages/openstack* , but if you did […]
let’s beat vSphere using openstack

Let’s beat vSphere using openstack, first step is to learn everything from it o VMware vSphere 5 Evaluation Guide – Volume1 VMware-vSphere-Evaluation-Guide-1 o VMware vSphere 5 Evaluation Guide – Volume 2 – Advance Storage Features VMware-vSphere-Evaluation-Guide-2-Advanced-Storage o VMware vSphere 5 Evaluation Guide – Volume 3 – Advance Networking Features VMware-vSphere-Evaluation-Guide-3-Advanced-Networking o VMware vSphere 5 Evaluation […]
A very professional ppt that talk about system performance tuning

A very professional ppt that talk about system performance tuning download : scalelinuxperformance-130224171331-phpapp01
development openstack dashboard

I and my colleague are currently develop some modules on openstack dashboard. Here is the list for you to know : when you modify a page in dashboard, which files you need to deal with, this will save you some time: download : openstack_dashboard
openstack – restart error : Max retries exceeded with url

If you install openstack by devstack, when you reboot your server and restart the openstack by this script, when you browse to the dashboard and you will see this error message “HTTPConnectionPool(host=’′, port=8776): Max retries exceeded with url: /v1/b721f5b1f7cd43dd83ee573f6d4e6c74/os-quota-sets/b721f5b1f7cd43dd83ee573f6d4e6c74 (Caused by <class ‘socket.error’>: [Errno 111] Connection refused)” You should check with your endpoints server […]