Month: October 2013

SwingUtilities.updateComponentTreeUI(this); will reset all custom UI

SwingUtilities.updateComponentTreeUI(this); will reset your own UI, if you call setUI() in constructor. Example: PeterCustomeTabbedPane —– extend ——> MaryCustomTabbedPane —-  extend ->   JTabbedPane (swing component) Suppose PeterCustomeTabbedPane and MaryCustomTabbedPane have their own TabbedPaneUI, once you called SwingUtilities.updateComponentTreeUI(this); , PeterCustomeTabbedPane’s UI class will be reset to MaryCustomTabbedPane’s UI class. Workaround: !!! dont call setUI in PeterCustomeTabbedPane, override the setUI() method and set whatever […]

i may know why the gdb command “x” only request one byte each time

I am playing the gdbstub in qemu, i found a bug there , if i invoke the function cpu_physical_memory_rw(0xffff0, mem_buf, 50, 0) , qemu crashes. Then, i tested the gdb command “x /20bx 0xffff0” and use tcpflow to capture the gdb packet, i found out gdb send 20 command and each time request one byte only. […]

qemu 1.6.0 rc2 has bug

I found a bug in qemu, version 1.6.0 rc2. When i invoke: where addr=0xffff0 and noOfBytes=50, qemu will has segmentation fault. I called the cpu_physical_memory_rw right after the qemu is started (haven’t run yet) with gdb. The vm was in real mode, i am not sure it is crossing memory boundary problem. But i just […]