Monthly Archives: July 2014
A little bit better – Showing the MBR

A little bit better – Showing the MBR Here is the java code to read MBR out: 2014/07/28
We should mix 4K and 4M Page

I was fixing the PSE and PAE page table display for GKD, I found out Linux using 4M page to map large address space and it uses 4K page to map broken space. So advance OS should mix use of 4K and 4M page. Now GKD supports PSE=1 (4M page) 2014/07/27
I think i am under dns attack
I think i am under dns attack, in my /var/log/message i keep seeing these. Someone is using over 2000 ip to lookup my dns server. 2014/07/12
GKD dependency tree graph

GKD dependency tree graph 2014/07/11
New way to do VM migration

To migrate VMs to different compute node is easy, simply hold your ctrl key and select VMs, drag & drop them to a new compute server. But now it support more feature, when you release the mouse, it will popup a windows to select “migrate now” or “thru titan script”. If you select titan script, […] 2014/07/11
Openstack 4th birthday party in cyberport
Openstack 4th party, i got a counter to demo Titan, thanks Cyberport. Titan language will be demo after September. People seems more interested in Titan management tool rather than the Titan portal. 2014/07/04
tightvnc java is very slow on Retina
Take a look line 170 from This ((Graphics2D) g).setRenderingHint(RenderingHints.KEY_RENDERING, RenderingHints.VALUE_RENDER_QUALITY); make g.drawImage(offscreenImage,0,0,null); runs very slow on Mac Retina. Solve: set the value to “VALUE_RENDER_SPEED” instead of VALUE_RENDER_QUALITY 2014/07/01