Monthly Archives: March 2015
Finally can dump out the parameter type from dwarf standard

Finally can dump out the parameter type from dwarf standard. Some parameter is store recursively, so need to read out DW_AT_type and get the right die and decode again. Personally I think dwarf is just too hard to parse. Here is the code 2015/03/29
This is how to decode dwarf DT_Type

This is how to decode dwarf DT_Type 2015/03/23
heading toward to decode the range address of dwarf

heading toward to decode the range address of dwarf, this job is killing me. And I found the information in die is not always meaningful, see below. 2015/03/22
ubuntu 12.04 vnc startup script for fallback mode
Fixed ubuntu vnc keymap problem
ubuntu 12.04 vnc keymap has trouble, D become minimize all windows and S become start menu, run these to fix it. 2015/03/19
compile dwarfdump in mac
CFLAGS=’-I /opt/local/include -L /opt/local/lib’ CXXFLAGS=’-I /opt/local/include -L /opt/local/lib’ ./configure –prefix=/peter-dwarfdump make make install Because mac gcc doesn’t search for the /opt/local, so need to specific the path manually. 2015/03/07