Month: September 2015

Tutorial : import svn with all history into github

Tutorial : import svn with all history into github Step 1) Create a project on github Step 2) Init the github project by : Step 3) git clone <— replace your project url Step 4) cd to that directory Step 5)  user and run: Step 6) svn2git –rebase Step 7) git pull Step […]

Netbeans – Maven Runner

Eclipse has a great plugin call “Eclipse runner” , i found out netbeans doesn’t have any similar one. So i develop one for netbeans. You can add maven goals under the tree node of any project. Double click the goal name will run maven in netbeans. You can download it from, or search “Maven […]

Enhancement of the OS debug format, support scripting

OS debug format is a xml based document stays in memory of the emulator, brining out the debug information in real time to the debugger, make the debugger understand what data structure they want to debug. In the early stage of kernel debugger, people rely on printk to dump out the debug information. At that […]

Originally from , it is a super professional article that explain the LD process. 08 Jan 2015 by David Corvoysier A few months ago I stumbled upon a linking problem with secondary dependencies I couldn’t solved without overlinking the corresponding libraries. I only realized today in a discussion with my friend Yann E. Morin that not only did I use the […]