Monthly Archives: September 2017
Netbeans antlr plugin great enhancement

I embed the Jgraphx library to netbeans antlr to provide interactive with the parser-tree. Now, the development methodology is: Create a g4 file Set the compile target, netbeans antlr plugin will real time generate a parser from your g4 file and try to parse the target file One the compile is success, that means your […] 2017/09/26
Netbeans anltr alpha version is done

Netbeans anltr alpha version is done, now you can keep changing your g4, it real time generate a parser to parser your specified file, generate the parser tree graph at the bottom. What i will do is: you click on any text on your target file, if highlight the node in the graph, so you […] 2017/09/24
Netbeans API : get mime string from File object
Professor Terence Parr replied

Professor Terence Parr (Antlr creator) replied, this is a major different between foreigner professor and Hong Kong professor. Professor from Hong Kong never reply any technical question from public. 2017/09/19
Netbeans antlr can real time compile your g4 and test it using the selected target file

Netbeans antlr can real time compile your g4 and test it using the selected target file. If something goes wrong, it display the error messages at bottom window. 2017/09/17

My netbeans antlr plugin will do this: select the file you want to compile (see the combo box above), when you editing the .g4 file, it keep using the latest g4 to compile to file you have selected, and see the result in the bottom window. Is it a good design? 2017/09/17
Code to get all TopComponents and EditorPanes in netbeans
Code to get all TopComponents in netbeans, here is very useful link 2017/09/16
Very good introduction to netbeans lookup

Very nice 2017/09/15
The fundamental function of our soul

This book is funny from shatin library, it talks about the the fundamental functions of our soul. Soul has two basic functions: Soul record our memory and habit, so that it can affect our next life Soul can affect our behaviour Henri Bergson said our soul is belong and not limit to our brain, if soul […] 2017/09/11