Monthly Archives: December 2017
spring-boot pack fat jar with jsp
Very important notes on spring boot , if you want to pack your spring-boot into an executable jar with jsp, wherever you put your jsp insrc/main/META-INF/resources orsrc/main/webapp, it will not work. The correct way to pack your application is : pack your spring-boot app into war instead of jar, but you can still execute your […] 2017/12/29
SharePoint Online get all items with fields specified by view
I am not sure i am correct or not. There is no /_api/web/lists/GetByTitle(‘your list’)/View/getbytitle(‘your view’)/items restful api for SharePoint online. So to get the items with fields that specificed by a view, you need these steps: Call “/_api/web/lists/GetByTitle(‘your list’)/fields” to read all fields and save all “InternalName” and “FieldTypeKind” Call “/_api/web/lists/GetByTitle(‘your list’)/View/getbytitle(‘your view’)/ViewFields” to read […] 2017/12/23
Dead simple using reactjs with plain html (no nodejs)
Grid in Office UI fabric js
Office UI fabric js library embedded a very old Fabric Core 5.0.1, so the grid example from Fabric Core will not work. All you have to do is change the class from “ms-lg2” to “ms-u-lg2”. Just go to , download the source and check all the class names you need. 2017/12/17
Greate tutorial : SharePoint Framework Tutorial 6 – Using Office UI Fabric Components 2017/12/14
WordPress SharePoint tag to read document library

I want to display files in SharePoint’s document library in my wordpress. There is one big technical problem, javascript still can’t do external authentication to SharePoint, by default your browser blocked corss site script. Even you enabled it in command line, your javascript still can’t set the custom “Cookie” in the header that need to […] 2017/12/12
Netbeans + Azure functions
If you are programming Azure functions in Netbeans, when you run “azure-functions:run”, you will have this bug: azure function “sh: func: command not found” Just manually copy your $PATH variable into netbeans, bug will gone 2017/12/11
Solved: Error while finding module specification for ‘azure.cli’ (ModuleNotFoundError: No module named ‘azure’)
when you have the follow error when running azure-cli az command: /Users/peter/lib/azure-cli/bin/python: Error while finding module specification for ‘azure.cli’ (ModuleNotFoundError: No module named ‘azure’) Just run directly 2017/12/10
Calling SharePoint authentication.asmx

Calling SharePoint authentication.asmx need to set the “Content-Type” in header. For SOAP 1.1 (namespaces “soap”) it’s needed to use “text/xml” content type, while for SOAP 1.2 (namespaces “soap12”) – “application/soap+xml”. “application.xml” is not working. Beware of this. 2017/12/07
For Java developer, login to microsoft api is a problem

I have developed a SharePoint library to read/write SharePoint Online restful api. As you can see the below image from Microsoft, we need to sign-in to Microsoft before we can get the access token. Access token is a value that you need to pass to every restful calls as a parameter, otherwise the restful call […] 2017/12/07
PowerBI may not be a very good option to build stock chart

PowerBI may not be a very good option to build stock chart if your data set is over 10,000,000 records, it take too long to load in from MySQL. 2017/12/03
Azure functions first try

Azure functions first try, sending around 60,000 to a very simple function on Azure functions, just returning a random number. Speed seems good and the charges is very very low, my account only raised $0.01 HKD for those 60,000 requests. The dashboard is not very real time, the “number of requests” has some delay. Java […] 2017/12/03