Monthly Archives: January 2018
For the user interface, Vivado is much nicer than Quartus

For the user interface, Vivado is much nicer than Quartus. Better to stick into Xilinux to build my soft core. 2018/01/27
My simplest bootstrap example
TestBootstrap 2018/01/24
Quantr forms logo and icon

Crazy icon size for sharepoint modern webpart

If using office fabric icon, it is 28px x 28px. If using iconImageUrl, is has to be 40px x 28px, which is much smaller ! 2018/01/20
Added test case for api /doesuserhavepermissions
Added test case for api : _api/web/doesuserhavepermissions, you can use this example to test for a specific permission of a specific user. You must add the user to the SharePoint owner group, otherwise it will return false. If the user don’t event have right to enter the subsite, the api will return 403. The […] 2018/01/01