Monthly Archives: February 2018
I am better to embed all testing assembly instruction in the antlr listener

I am better to embed all testing assembly instruction in the antlr listener rather than finding a way to embed them into the antlr grammar, because: Using parser of parser skill set to write a parser to parse antlr grammar and extract the testing asm instruction is too risky. One day the antlr grammar will […] 2018/02/28
SharePoint left navigation bar in modern page
If you create a SharePoint site using the “communication site”, the left navigation is hidden and the top navigation menu appear. Which is different than the “Team Site” and there is no way to change it back unless you write code for custom branding. So need to beware of this when you create a SharePoint […] 2018/02/28
Netbeans qucik outline design II

First draft of netbeans quick outline plugin

First draft of netbeans quick outline plugin, click ctrl-p / command-p in mac, then click on any row to jump to there. I think using table instead of tree is much better than eclipse. Also, eclipse show a lot of different icons (local var, global var, final var, etc…). It is useless and confusing our […] 2018/02/26
Netbeans quick outline

Eclipse quick outline is just so convenient, after i press command-O shortcut, i can type in keyword to filter the function/variable i want, then just click enter to jump to it. In netbeans, when i press cmomand-7, it opens navigator window which is similar to eclipse one, but it doesn’t support filtering and sometime can […] 2018/02/26
Test cases in antlr grammar file

I am developing an Assembler, i think the best way is to embed the test case into the grammer, all those test cases are just one single line of assembly code. But now no way to do this in Antlr grammar. I am thinking to create a maven plugin to pre-process the grammar file. Add […] 2018/02/24
Why nasm support an instruction that doesn’t exist on Intel manual

Nasm support “mov al,0x1234” which is “ADC AL, imm16”. But on Intel manual, there is only “ADC AL, imm8”. Why? 2018/02/20
Spring-boot will ignore your own
Spring-boot will ignore your own, two ways to fix that Way 1: Way 2: Put the spring-boot dependency in higher positions in , but way 1 seems much better way to fix this problem. Peter. 2018/02/18
Azure functions for java still not mature enough

I was trying to put my assembler on cloud and found out Azure functions for java still not mature enough, using some libraries such as antlr will cause unable to compile. Searching around google and seems no answer. 2018/02/17
My mini-z finally can run now

SharePoint – Patterns and Practices
These web are good for you to learn latest SharePoint dev patterns and practices – [PnP at]( – Welcome page with sample and guidance search – [SharePoint Dev Group]( – Questions and feedback – [PnP at MSDN]( – [PnP videos]( at YouTube – [PnP at]( – – [PnP Sites Core Component]( – […] 2018/02/13
Installed AgilePoint NX
Installed AgilePoint NX, start doing research 2018/02/13
Can write simple test bench in vivado

After reading my verilog book for few days, i can write test bench file to test my verilog program in vivado. I like vivado much more than altera quartus, the UI is much more clean. 2018/02/02