Month: March 2018

Netbeans lexer problem : Fix the lexer to not return null token in this state

I have met the problem “Fix the lexer to not return null token in this state.” (see below) and used one week to fix it by hacking netbeans source code. I found out Netbeans will not pass the whole file to lexer to parse. So if your antlr grammar used “skip” syntax, it has a […]

SharePoint 2016 Central Admin Functionalities summary

Application management Create/edit/delete web application Create/edit/delete site collection Assign site collection primary and secondary administrator Create or extend Web application Remove SharePoint from IIS Web site Delete Web application Define managed paths Web application outgoing e-mail settings Web application general settings Content databases Manage Web application features Web application list SharePoint Site Management Create site […]

Microsoft is fake again, node 8.9.0 is not working for office365 development

In SharePoint with NodeJs development, Microsoft was suggesting us to use Node 6.9.x, now microsoft website is updated and telling us to use Node8.9.x, I tried which failed. Lots of people on technet are saying they can’t compile their SharePoint project too. Microsoft need a better open source QC team.

Microsoft outlook addins example is wrong

Microsoft outlook addins example is wrong if you use reactjs with webpack. Go to file, add the things in the below screen. After you run “npm start”, manually browse to “https://localhost:3000/function-file/function-file.html” and check all files referred by it are loaded successfully. Then the “Gist the gist” button will work. Peter