Monthly Archives: March 2018
this is the things i need from session
Lion club – 長者樂齡電競

長者樂齡電競頒奬 2018/03/31
mvn versions:display-dependency-updates command has bug

mvn versions:display-dependency-updates command has bug, it found a non-exist version number. There is no 8.0.9 version in the maven central repository. 2018/03/31
Agilepoint v5 manual is here 2018/03/30
Break through agilepoint v5 smtp authentication problem

I can’t successfully config agilepoint to send email through smtp server with authentication. I finally able to find the project template in visual studio 2010 to create my own email stub. Still trying ! 2018/03/30
Generate dynamic lexer from antlr grammar
Generate dynamic lexer from antlr grammar and try to parse something, because it is a lexer only, so it returns tokens not grammar tree. 2018/03/26
Make changes to Netbeans IDE is just so easy
If you want to modify something to Netbeans IDE, just git clone the source, change its code, type “ant” and “ant try me”, very simple 2018/03/24
Netbeans talk in Cocoon seminar

Netbeans talk in Codeaholics seminar. A lots of people, i have demo to people create a simple plugin to extends Netbeans is just so easy. 2018/03/17
Netbeans lexer problem : Fix the lexer to not return null token in this state

I have met the problem “Fix the lexer to not return null token in this state.” (see below) and used one week to fix it by hacking netbeans source code. I found out Netbeans will not pass the whole file to lexer to parse. So if your antlr grammar used “skip” syntax, it has a […] 2018/03/13
Redirect local IIS to SharePoint Online

Install Application Request Routing Make sure “url rewrite” is in your IIS Follow the below screen to add rule 2018/03/13
SharePoint 2016 Central Admin Functionalities summary
Application management Create/edit/delete web application Create/edit/delete site collection Assign site collection primary and secondary administrator Create or extend Web application Remove SharePoint from IIS Web site Delete Web application Define managed paths Web application outgoing e-mail settings Web application general settings Content databases Manage Web application features Web application list SharePoint Site Management Create site […] 2018/03/12
Microsoft is fake again, node 8.9.0 is not working for office365 development

In SharePoint with NodeJs development, Microsoft was suggesting us to use Node 6.9.x, now microsoft website is updated and telling us to use Node8.9.x, I tried which failed. Lots of people on technet are saying they can’t compile their SharePoint project too. Microsoft need a better open source QC team. 2018/03/11
Microsoft outlook addins example is wrong

Microsoft outlook addins example is wrong if you use reactjs with webpack. Go to file, add the things in the below screen. After you run “npm start”, manually browse to “https://localhost:3000/function-file/function-file.html” and check all files referred by it are loaded successfully. Then the “Gist the gist” button will work. Peter 2018/03/11
Community Kit for SharePoint
Community Kit for SharePoint is a famous open source project in SharePoint world, it has some projects for reference designs. 2018/03/11
VSTO vs nodejs api for outlook plugin development

Microsoft technologies keep changing, if you want to develop addins for Microsoft outlook, you can choose VSTO api or nodejs api which is javascript based. VSTO api just like traditional outlook addins development, everything done in visual studio and output a Dll file for you to deploy the addins. Nodejs api is different, when you […] 2018/03/11
Solved : “these characters need to be tokenized” for netbeans lang development

When developing highlight for new language, the antlr grammar has to return all tokens, you can’t skip token, otherwise your netbeans will throw this exception: 2018/03/10
Netbeans dev – file template iterator

This setting can define a new JPanel for new file creation.[email protected]$org-netbeans-modules-cnd-asm@RELEASE712@org$netbeans$modules$cnd$asm$core$resources$layer.xml 2018/03/09
Deploy nodejs to azure, it just hang

Deploy nodejs to azure, it just hang. The “/usr/bin/npm-cli.js” install –production take forever time to complete, i have waited 10 mins, i think it is hang. 2018/03/04
Filter out 64 bits instructions

correct way to filter out 64 bits instructions in 16 or 32 bits mode in antlr grammar. Some intel instructions only support 16 or 32 bits mode, so assembler must tell user those instructions are wrong when they are in 64 bits mode. 2018/03/04
Added JUnit test case to test all byte code

Added JUnit test case to test all byte code with nasm, abandon the web interface because run a junit test is much more convenient. 2018/03/03