Monthly Archives: August 2018
Azure Recovery Services vaults根本就backup唔到

Azure Recovery Services vaults根本就backup唔到仲要無得delete個backup job,而家除左等唔知可以點!? 2018/08/26
Free Assembly programming training in Cityu AppsLab

Thanks for Professor Ray from AppsLab holding this meaningful training for public about assembly language programming training, bringing system level programming experience to all joiners. Register links are and If you are interest to build a toolchain from the ground up, join us at or contact me at Course Materials: asm_example nasm hello.asm -l […] 2018/08/18
Hyper-V是Type 1的Hypervisor

Hyper-V是Type 1的Hypervisor, 當你安裝完它的時侯, 它會比所在的windows更加底層, Bootloader是會首先加載它然後由它去啓動完先的那一個windows, 所以之後的vm也和那個windows同級, 所以就算那個windows死機了, 其實Hyper-V是沒有死的, 在它上面運行的vm更加不會死. 2018/08/14
.net core CLR ELF analyst in Ubuntu 16.04

Analyst the ELF files build from .net core CLR in Ubuntu 16.04 by 2018/08/12
Manually create sharepoint configuration database
1. you have to run sharepoint shell using administrator 2. when credential dialog popup, you have to input the user name as machine_name\administrator 3. when hitting error, you must close the shell and restart it, otherwise whatever you do, last error message still happen Tips: 1. if you hit “Requested registry access is not allowed”, […] 2018/08/03
Powershell學習之旅 – Object Type
Powershell是一種typed的語言,和其它同種的語言比,它有一個我認為比較特別的地方,就是它支援不同的Object typ。Windows世界裏幾個大的Object家族它都支持: Common Object Model (COM) .Net Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI), 它是Management Object Format格式 ActiveX Data Objects Active Directory Services Interface (ADSI) XML Powershell是用adaptor的方式去和不同格式的object聯絡,此Topic沒有太多人有興趣所以書中並沒有提及。 2018/08/01