Monthly Archives: September 2018
JDK 11 problem

JDK11網上好多人都有我呢個問題,就係11 refactor左好多class,如果用嘅library係jdk8到compiler就會有呢個問題。Netbeans進度太慢,最新嘅netbeans 9.0只支持jdk10仲要好多plugin都用唔到,原因係netbeans.org呢個domain仲未貢獻俾apache基金會。所以原先netbeans plugin啲lib用緊package org.netbeans仲未可以移到俾apache,呢單野唔知搞幾耐。
dotnet core will produce two exe

dotnet core will produce two exe if you make it self contained. One in win-x64\ and one in win-x64\publish\ . The different between it is referencing two different coreclr.dll. See the arrow in the below image.
Command to tail SharePoint Log

If in SharePoint 2013, change your path to C:\Program files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\Web Server Extensions\13\logs\

咪記唔將成套.net搞到portable其中一個原因可能係CLR係用com server寫,com一引用DLL根本係好難移值
Useful AD command about AD user

get user properties get-aduser -filter {name -eq ‘administrator’} -property * get-aduser -filter {name -eq ‘administrator’} -property *|select mobile,city
主題分享 – 走進 .NET Core 的世界

dotnet core pptx
Cityu AppsLab – Assembly programming course lesson 2

Powerpoint : Lesson 1 : assembly-programming Lesson 2 : assembly-programming Lesson 2