Monthly Archives: November 2018
Godaddy cheap VPS之經驗
係Godaddy起左隻最Cheap VPS, $160蚊個月, 得一粒vcore同1GB Ram, 行ubuntu + mysql + apache + wordpress. 正常黎講要兩三個星期restart一次mysql因為out of memory. 行wordpres兩年之後response time趑黎越慢, 有成十秒先load到個page. 裝左W3 Total Cache之後快左好多, 一兩秒就load到, 建議大家一定要裝. 2018/11/28
Russian ship destoryed level 9 destroyer by torpedo

Russian ship destoryed level 9 destroyer by torpedo is miracle, uaually you are unable to get so close to send out the torpedo, level 9 destroyer has just too many canons. 2018/11/25
[Real] Typescript has no type

If i pass an integer to the function’s parameter “from”, it will become integer and say it doesn’t has “includes” function, since it is belong to class string. This code is tested in SharePoint online with reactjs and typescript. Below is my tsconfig.json 2018/11/23
Office 365 outlook有webhook

Office 365 outlook有webhook,以後要sync email去SharePoint又唔想用Microsoft Flow嘅話可以唔洗寫Polling了 2018/11/15
Microsoft嘅SharePoint Online係會disable上左production嘅feature

Microsoft嘅SharePoint Online原來個feature就算上左production都會因為有問題而中途被disable返 2018/11/10
Unexplainable : Typescript compiler has bug

Unexplainable : Typescript compiler has bug, if i add anything above {this.toDoList}, a html tag or just a string, the variable become nothing, nothing is shown on the screen. I am not sure it is reactjs bug or typescript bug, or may be chrome bug. I am using latest spfx 1.7.0 with SharePoint Online for […] 2018/11/09
Solved : central admin new web application button is disabled

When you login to central admin and found out your “new web application” button is disabled. Just run SharePoint configuration Wizard, logout and login admin your windows. Everything will be fine. !!! If still failed, try to login to windows via non-administrator account. Then start central admin by “run as administrator” 2018/11/01