Monthly Archives: December 2018
Add a search box for Netbeans customize toolbar dialog
Solved – The root cause why Netbeans can’t print colored text using latest Maven

Netbeans has bundled an old Maven, version 3.3.9, it can’t print out colored text to the output window. But when we switch to latest Maven 3.6.0, all color gone. I asked Netbeans guys, maven guys and jansi guys for help, but can’t get a solution. So i try to hack the maven code, i found […] 2018/12/30
Netbeans manually change color to green

Even the jansi library that built-in to maven 3.5.0 or above doesn’t work with netbeans, so we can’t output colored-text in Netbeans output window. But the “BUILD SUCCESS” word still in green. The reason is netbeans manually change the color to green. 2018/12/29
Netbeans outline plugin runs fast
After changed to a new antlr grammar, now is parse java file in 1 second, before need 15 seconds to parse a 1000 lines file. 2018/12/27

First time somebody want to embed my plugin

Netbeans Antlr plugin初步頂到非Conbined grammar

Netbeans Antlr Plugins可以支持非Combined Grammar了,就是說如果你的Grammar和Lexer Grammar是在不同的文件也能支持 2018/12/26
Re-think query language – Linq

Think to develop a new query language for SharePoint to increase my dev speed, studying Linq. 2018/12/24
SVG學習 – Viewport會自動有offset-x

如果SVG的大小比例和viewport不同,就會自動有一個offset x 2018/12/24
終於publish左第一個reactjs+typescript的UI component上npmjs

Publish當中最唔明就係點解要自己寫tsconfig同gulp人手張typescript同scss去transpile,呢一點同java好唔同,jar就係jar,唔會理你係邊到行,但nodejs個世界唔同,production同dev版本分別好大。你自己用npx create-react-app去創建新project,的確可以係local行,但就publish唔到上npmjs成功俾人用(可能係typescript同scss太煩)。而家個我個package可以同時俾reactjs同sharepoint spfx去用,可以build UI component library了。 2018/12/24
bismarck 1 kill 5

Easy easy to extend c# class

Love this book, a very easy way call “extension methods” can let you easily inject new method to existing classes (even you don’t have its source code). I tested it in windows with .net framework and mac .net core, both work correctly. 2018/12/16
Bismarck sunk 4 ships

Proved can call class in GAC

Nothing special, it works. SharePoint Master page doesn’t have a code behind, we can use this skill to add it in GAC. 2018/12/02

SharePoint 2016爆到連啲default column type都死埋,SharePoint真係少啲經驗都必炒無疑 2018/12/01