Monthly Archives: February 2019
SharePoint Site Provisioning in Office 365 with defined permissions

Provision a site with a pre-set permissions is always a trouble for us. I found a great article here about using pnp site template to complete this job in a easy way. 2019/02/09
Universal App可以收工了?

Microsoft宣佈不玩Windows Phone了, Universal App意義何在? 加上Universal App有分C#和Javascript, C#是用Waml, 而Javascript就類似ElectronJS, 世界一早不同, 加上火不起來, 估計下一個要死的是Universal App了. 2019/02/05
Coder Metrics – Way to measure coders

This book talk about how to measure coders. It stated three metrics: Skill, Response and Value. I think passion is also another important metric, but hard to be measure. If in Hong Kong, anti-blaming by project manager is also another important metric, there are too many skill-less managers in here, all their daily jobs are […] 2019/02/04
PowerApps做唔到cross account的calendar真係一種遺憾

PowerApps每一次Export package去另一個Tenant,就算SharePoint Site裏面連個Site名都一樣,佢都係無法自動化完成所有import流程,一定要人肉入去搞一次,好花時間。而個calendar基本上只可以read當前登入者嘅calendar,如果唔係就要經group calendar或sharepoint list,設計唔算完美。 2019/02/03
I think i found a Microsoft Flow bug

I am trying to move all file from google drive to one drive business, so i think of flow. But I found if my folder name starts with a number, in microsoft flow i am unable to select it, it is not exist in the folder selection dialog. Even if i type the folder name […] 2019/02/03