Month: March 2019

Build dynamic SharePoint search experience using refiners and paging with SPFx, Office UI Fabric and PnP JS library Recently, I’ve submitted a SPFx Web Part sample showing how to build a dynamic search experience using Office UI fabric components and SharePoint search REST API. This sample comes directly from a real intranet project within SharePoint Online. Why you would you like to do this? Well, if you’re currently implementing a new intranet using SharePoint […]

Using PnPjs to send requests to MS Graph with SharePoint Framework 1.6

SPFx 1.6 was released recently and a lot of new and interesting features were introduced. AadTokenProvider, AadHttpClient, MSGraphClient  went to GA, which are my favorite features. One of the common thing in SPFx development is accessing other resources, protected with Azure AD. For example you might have your LOB API with Azure AD protection and you want to […]