Monthly Archives: April 2019
Inline style of Office Fabric UI library in spfx webpart

After upgraded the @microsoft/sp-office-ui-fabric-core library, all inline styles gone, to get it back, you just need to do: Here is the test case:

Powershell to get SharePoint group by ID

Usage: Get-SPGroup 705

由SPFx 1.0.0玩到昨天出的1.8.1,每一次升級framework都會遇到不同的麻煩。昨天Microsoft出了1.8.1,但我的Project還是用1.8.0,刪了node_module再npm i, 什麼也沒有做過就compile不到了,試了一回才發現最新版1.8.1剛出了,於是升級上去,結果又是什麼都沒有做,Project又變成可以compile到了。

寫太多webpart,終於遇到第一次撞WebPart ID,在兩個不同的spfx project裏webpart個ID重複,唯由手動改一改就可以deploy了
佛教 VS 西方心理學

CPU由Soft core變Hard core的步驟

(Disclaimer: This might not be completely accurate since my experience in ASIC design is only that I took a course in integrated circuits a few years ago where we designed a small analog ASIC, basically just an op-amp). My understanding of the process for taking verilog and making it into an ASIC is something like: […]
Build library for SPFx 1.8.0 project use has to be careful the variable name

We have a library call quantr-spfx-library, which is a supporting library for our SPFx project. I tried to update a spfx project to 1.8.0 and unable to bundle it. The error is: Here is the original code from our library: As you can see, in the second line of above code, we have a library […]
Another great book about cpu design

Shatin library is great
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Share data between SPFx webpart