Monthly Archives: May 2019
Java is fast


禪定引發超自然能力,而最詮譯禪定的就是華人所寫的”釋禪波羅密”和”摩訶止觀”,古印度禪定專用書暫時沒發現所以沒法搜獵。係所有心力專注一處嘅時侯思想不再被習氣所影響之下所顯示的那一個真正嘅我,是我還沒遇見的。 究竟是佛教教集體痴Q左線?定係真係有那一個境界,非常想知! 2019/05/27

SharePoint “Menu Item Custom Action” – Host VS App

If you are trying to add an menu to SharePoint Online, make sure you chosee “Host Web” instead of “App Web”. If you chose wrongly, there is no way to convert it back in Visual Studio. You have to manually edit MenuItemCustomAction1\SharePointProjectItem.spdata , see below. You have to change the line from the top one […] 2019/05/13
SharePoint App – Able to add most of the buttons

Great tutorials about SharePoint App – Ribbon button 2019/05/13
Found another way to hangs the SharePoint Online
Just created an SharePoint App project in Visual Studio 2019, create two ribbon buttons by this xml. Then back to classic mode, the ribbon tab “Items” will stop responding. 2019/05/12
Destroyed Yamato

By a level 8 Russian Destroyer 2019/05/12
經過上星期重大upgrade, 而家速度大量提升,Create communicate site只需五秒。Deploy App 10秒內。Search亦都有肉眼看得見的速度提升。 2019/05/06
Simplest way to add fontawesome to spfx webpart
Do this on the top of you tsx file Then put this in your render function Or 2019/05/06
Software Stack Tool

from a book call “DTrace” 2019/05/04