Monthly Archives: June 2019
4th Assembler dev meeting

We heading into Antlr Grammar, got one problem : We don’t know how anltr prioritise parse rules, so next week will be our study week. A new friend visited us in meetup too. 2019/06/29
dotnet core dependency graph

My other open source project can generate a dependency graph for dotnet core dll. 2019/06/15
Framework 4.6 Namespace-to-Assembly Reference
Below is the table show you the mapping between namespace and assembly, thanks to the book “C# 7.0 in a Nutshell” Namespace Assembly Microsoft.CodeAnalysis Microsoft.CodeAnalysisMicrosoft.CodeAnalysis.CSharpMicrosoft.CodeAnalysis.VisualBasic Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CSharp Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CSharp Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CSharp.Syntax Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CSharp Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Diagnostics Microsoft.CodeAnalysis Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Diagnostics.Telemetry Microsoft.CodeAnalysis Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Emit Microsoft.CodeAnalysis Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Semantics Microsoft.CodeAnalysis Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Text Microsoft.CodeAnalysis Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.VisualBasic Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.VisualBasic Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.VisualBasic.Syntax Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.VisualBasic Microsoft.CSharp System Microsoft.CSharp.Activities System.Activities Microsoft.CSharp.RuntimeBinder Microsoft.CSharp Microsoft.SqlServer.Server System.Data Microsoft.VisualBasic System Microsoft.VisualBasic.Activities System.Activities […] 2019/06/08
基本上掌握到JVM生成byte code

基本上掌握到JVM生成byte code,初步了解jvm的指令,能夠徒手用apache bcel生成class文件. 但感覺上jvm比.net core的vm重,所以先看看CLR才作最後決定。 題外話:基於jvm的語言除了java之外,沒一隻能夠有大的成功。 2019/06/02
A new SharePoint Online error

Haven’t seen this kind of error before, i was hijacking the css by my Embed webpart, suddenly becoming this 2019/06/02
一本唔錯的vSphere SDK書

書中是6.0,雖然和6.7有點距離,但不失為一個入門書。 最重的是有一個學習規劃。 以下是一個vSphere programmer應該要懂的topic: managing inventory managing host systems managing virtual machines, snapshots, and vmotion managing clusters and resource pools managing networks managing storage and datastores event and alarms performance monitoring task and scheduled task user and license administration extending VI client scrioting the VI sdk with jython, perl and powershell 必需把以上topic用sdk寫一次!!! 2019/06/01