Monthly Archives: July 2019
I thought Java swing is pixel graphic

In last 20 years, I thought Java swing is pixel graphic, but i found out it is vector. I tried to draw a 1 pixel line with 45 degrees, and when i zoom out, i proved it is not pixel base. So all drawLine, drawRect function calls are vector graphic. 2019/07/30
Calling Docusign Restful API with Bearer

In DocuSign, Bearer is same as access token, just two different names. It can be generated by this web , make sure you have an sandbox account. 2019/07/28
Net netbeans-antlr logo

Getting familiar with Adobe illustrator. For drawing GUI/logo from scatch, ai is better than photoshop. But photoshop is still good to draw on top of somebody designs. 2019/07/28
Netbeans-antlr 2.5 plugin architecture diagram

Sequential logic, nice practice

C compiler pre-research preparation

Antlr C11 grammar is highly match with the C11 language specification, which is a very good news to us. 2019/07/21

Peter updated netbeans-antlr plugin, increase our productivity: Jenny finished the REX.W translate, she keeps translating other instructions to see if our current coding facilities enough or not. Desmond is adding all the rest of the intel instructions to the grammar file, still need sometimes. 2019/07/20
Ebook: Custom chips for dummies 2019/07/15
Flip flop family

完全痴線 – JTextComponent個setCaretPosition完來係錯

如果你放”abc\ndef”落JTextComponent, 佢會變Q左”abc\r\ndef”, 連帶影響埋setCaretPosition()會錯位,補救方法如下: 經過修正之後, 我個netbeans outline plugin回復正常了 2019/07/13
The 5th Assembler dev meeting

Jenny has done SIB table, Kelvin is working on 66h 67h, Desmond is adding rest of the instructions. Thanks for Professor Ray visiting us and giving us advice. 2019/07/12
x86 disassembler預研成功

x86 disassemble預研成功,感謝Rod Pemberton朋友在alt.lang.asm上面的幫忙,原來Intel instruction雖然係CISC但可以在未decode所有Byte之前把Instruction切割出來。還有,切割比我想像人來得簡單。我現在的問題就是,RISC的所謂固定長度指令好像不是傳說中所說的巨大優勢。 2019/07/10
一本由讀computer science嘅人所寫嘅哲學書

我而家總結一下書中所帶出的哲學問題,所有讀computer science嘅人都應該花時間思考一下: 神。人。機械人。三者之關係 機械人的超限作用 人好明顯就是當機械人係奴隸 機械人之自我認同,自我意識 克隆人是機械人? 人是機械人? 2019/07/08
Netbeans 11.0終於有plugin嘅library了
Netbeans自從貢獻左俾apache, maven central好耐無update, 由netbeans 9到netbeans 10都無library可用,以至8.1的plugin無從升級至netbeans 11. 今日check多次終於見到有11.0嘅lib了 2019/07/01