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Month: September 2019

Assembler dev meeting #14

2019/09/21, as usual, heading to our first milestone. Enhanced the full test output, added two filters. Filter out by instruction or by error. Jenny and Kelvin is clearing the ADC instruction Desmond is extending to support Windows PE format

Assembler dev meeting #13

2019/09/14, we met in cityu again. I finished IMM in other project . So Assembler’s parser will eat up the whole numeric string and then pass it to antlr-calculator-library, if it contains a maths expression, it return the final answer which is a number. I created another library to produce ELF output. Jenny and […]

Assembler dev meeting #11

sync-ed up Jenny coding skill to all of us. Jenny now clearing all useless code, rename variables to a more meaningful name. Our next job is to encode all instructions together, and for me, create an ELF library to output ELF format object code. Here is our tuned assembler grammar