Monthly Archives: October 2019

玩了14年QQ終於被永久凍結了, 原因為了說了一些大陸不想聽的說話 2019/10/14
Assembler Dev #16 2019/10/12

We finalize our error handling method, in both antlr grammar and java instruction “ADC” fully encoded, but still some combination mis-encoded. That means nasm don’t encode it, but we do , our new testing site is launched 2019/10/12
Netbeans module failed to install nb-javac
If you netbeans maven module used this in pom.xml, then you will have this problem 2019/10/06
YEAH ! 咪記終於有個Portal可以search哂所有sample code
YEAH ! 咪記終於有個Portal可以search哂所有sample code, 仲有埋azure on-click deploy 2019/10/05
Getting started with RISC-V So you have heard of this RISC-V thing typically talked about in the context of microprocessors and to a lesser degree also for desktop processors. RISC-V is an open-source hardware instruction set architecture (ISA). Similarly to how X86 for Intel and AMD is a closed source ISA. Being an open-source ISA any manufacturer can […] 2019/10/05
Assembler Dev #16 is cancelled

It is because of Carrie Lam 2019/10/05
Assembler dev meeting #15

2019/09/28 meeting in cityu. We soonly clear up all combination of ADC instruction. Updated the testing web 2019/10/02