Monthly Archives: November 2019
Assembler Meetup #22, 2019/11/30
Jenny teach me code translate Not sure our method is unify or not Trying to make the grammar file shorter and uniform 2019/11/30
Assembler Meetup #21, 2019/11/23

Cityu is close, we change to meet in Moko 2019/11/30
Verilog syntax conflict

I guess syntax conflict or not is depend on how fpga vendor implement their verilog compile, nothing about the verilog language specification 2019/11/29
Hacking Lattice toolchain lesson 1
Lattice Diamond use these commands to compile my project into jed file Synthesize Design: synthesis -f ControlLed_impl1_lattice.synproj -gui -msgset C:/workspace/fpga/ControlLed/promote.xml Place & Route Design: par -w -l 5 -i 6 -t 1 -c 0 -e 0 -gui -msgset C:/workspace/fpga/ControlLed/promote.xml -exp parUseNBR=1:parCDP=0:parCDR=0:parPathBased=OFF ControlLed_impl1_map.ncd ControlLed_impl1.dir/5_1.ncd ControlLed_impl1.prf trce -v 10 -gt -sethld -sp 4 -sphld m -o ControlLed_impl1.twr […] 2019/11/27
Simplest guide to config tomcat to use https with lets encrypt’s free cert
Support you have generate a standalone cert using certbot command, and your cert is in /etc/letsencrypt/live/ . If not, follow this Execute openssl command and remember your password Edit tomcat’s conf/server.xml, you just need one connector to serve 8443, no need other conntector Restart your tomcat, it is done. Below is the virtualhost to […] 2019/11/23
New toy : Arduino wifi

Simplest tutorial to read yammer message in SPfx

Step 1 : Browser create your app Step 2 : Make sure you fill in the Javascript Origins, otherwise you will get an cors error Step 3 : Generate the developer token, we need it to send get/post form spfx Result: 2019/11/16
PowerApps for PowerBI終於都來了

我們終於可以用PowerApps去加強PowerBI Dashboard的動性, 亦可以用PowerApps作為一個UI的接口去程現不同的外部資料 2019/11/16
My first notebook that can run SP2019 on-premises

I have to switch back to windows because almost all verilog toolchain only work in windows. And I bought MSI Prestige-15-A10X which has 32GB ram and 1TB nvms ssd, it is only $15300 HKD, super valueable. It is the first notebook which i can run a SharePoint 2019 VM locally. 2019/11/14
Netbeans in Mac vs Windows

Netbeans in windows is much more ugly than in Mac, here is my point of view: Font is not align and not beautiful The java swing L&F in mac match with OS, but not the one in windows Toolbar icon style not match with windows 2019/11/13
Gitlab CI + core

Add auto build and publish using gitlab ci/cd services and deploy to ubuntu. 2019/11/12
Assembler Meetup #20, 2019/11/09

Kelvin and Jenny heading to encode b* and c* instructions Desmond keep going to PE format Peter try to add assembler marco. I will think about our own linker format next week. 2019/11/09
Assembler Dev #19 2019/11/02

We think the encoding method is stable, asked Jenny to write a wiki, describe how we can encode each instruction 2019/11/09
Netbeans hangs in Mac since Netbeans 8.2 to now
I have a Netbeans module call “Maven Runner“, it was originally in Ant. When I install it into my local netbeans, it regularly cause the netbeans failed to start. When I was starting Netbeans, the splash came out, then it disappear, but the main screen never show up. Two months ago, i rewrite it into […] 2019/11/06