Monthly Archives: December 2019
Microsoft provides “public client” sample code 2019/12/19
推薦一個國產示波器連logic analyzer 2019/12/15
Assembler Meetup #24, 2019/12/14

Good progress on shorten the grammar file. Desmond join the translation. Peter pickup the pe generator task. 2019/12/14
SharePoint粉絲注意 : 新書上市Mastering Sharepoint Framework

Table of Contents1. Getting Started with SharePoint Framework2. Develop Your First SPFx Web Part3. SPFx Web Part Property Pane4. Custom Controls for Web Part Property Pane5. PnP Controls for Web Part Property Pane6. CSS Considerations7. Configure SPFx Web Part Icon8. Examine SPFx Web Parts on Modern SharePoint9. Host SPFx Web Parts from MS Azure CDN10. […] 2019/12/14
stepfpga simple project setup

Assembler Meetup #23, 2019/12/07

Meet in MongKok. Mainly shorten the grammar. Jenny confirmed each instruction can be translated by same five functions. We confirmed if instruction has only one operand, we have to add byte/word/dword/qword, e.g.: inc byte [ax] And some instructions such as call doesn’t support all four combinations of byte/word/dword/qword, this “call byte [ax]” will report error […] 2019/12/07

參觀Efinix公司, 一定要支持一下香港公司 2019/12/01