Monthly Archives: February 2022
LuaNode running arduino setup
ICESugarPro board blinking example work

Arduino Uno programme ATTiny85 works
following 2022/02/20
MRK Wifi 1010 serial is different

Arduino MRK Wifi 1010 serial is different than Nano and Uno, the usb-to-serial and in D13/14 are separate, so code them this way 2022/02/20
start point to build our own jtag for our risc-v cpu

After days of hacking, i finally found out there is a dummy driver in openocd. just ./configure –enable-dummy and run it by ./bin/openocd -c ‘interface dummy’ -c ‘adapter_khz 1’ , you can see the dummy driver is running and in the function “static int dummy_write(int tck, int tms, int tdi)”, we can manually toggle the […] 2022/02/13
Compile libsigrok and pulseview in windows by msys2
This is the tutorial to build libsigrok and pulseview in windows Download msys Open “MSYS2 MinGW x64”, don’t use “MSYS2 MSYS” 3. git clone 4. cd sigrok-utils/cross-compile/msys2 5. ./sigrok-native-msys2 prepare , it will auto install all necessary packages Compile libsigrok 6. git clone 7. cd libsigrok 8. ./ 9. vi configure and […] 2022/02/06