Monthly Archives: March 2022
Resolved ICESugar pro blink.v :
ERROR: Module rst_gen contains processes, which are not supported by JSON backend (run `proc` first). Edit Makefile $(TARGET).json: $(OBJS) # yosys -p "synth_ecp5 -json $@" $(OBJS) yosys -p "read_verilog -sv $<" -p "synth_ecp5 -json $@" $(OBJS) 2022/03/27
正点原子Mini STM32F103RCT6在STM32CubeMX中玩UART

正點原子的教程是在Keil, 如果要在STM32CubeMX裏玩UART可跟以下步驟 Step 1. Step 2. Comment the whole file Step 3. Add these 3 files from the CD Step 4. Modify usart.c , default example override fputc never works, we have to overrid _write Step 5. Add this 2022/03/25
Python read/write jtag via FTDI chip

Bought from here . Example is here Read PWM Pins reference : 2022/03/03