Monthly Archives: February 2023
SEMU call graph

This graph generated by graphviz, helping students easier understand Professor Jim Huang’s SEMU RISC-V emulator 2023/02/27
啲人問點解香港SI界唔係好似歐美咁,代理隻product跟著自己改裝,跟住越改越advance,咁就要由SI界嘅本質講起 香港SI嘅本質就係做trade 香港係轉口港,香港嘅SI本質無異,兩個字講哂就係做trade,姐係做買賣,左手入貨右手出貨。用一個好啲嘅比喻,SI就好似百老匯,入左啲冷氣你要咪送去你屋企裝囉。唔同嘅只係做嘅客係公司客,賣嘅貨係專業啲咁解。做trade無問題,賺到錢嘅生意就係好生意,香港做得大嘅IT公司基本上都係做trade。如果認清左個本質,咁你就會解釋到呢幾件事 2023/02/13

講得好step by step 2023/02/10
QEMU PLIC call map

After hacking the qemu risc-v source code, here is the PLIC call map 2023/02/06
CityU-EE GEF Programme Mentorship Meeting (4 Feb 2023)

Export our data structure into logisim

Created the library to export our data structure into logisim, , part of our EDA tool 2023/02/04
Good HDL synthesis book

The first step of logic synthesis is call “HDL synthesis”, converting verilog into raw netlist. 2023/02/01