Monthly Archives: February 2025
testing ESP32 UART using MicroPython

Mac command to read from UART 2025/02/24
Download Unity international in Hong Kong

I don’t understand why US gov list Hong Kong as their enemy Download Unity international tutorial 2025/02/23
command to clone mysql database
Solved: Modules/ no such file or directory

If you are using macports instead of homebrew, you may have this problem. Solved by this: LDFLAGS=”-L/opt/local/lib” CPPFLAGS=”-I/opt/local/include” pyenv install 3.12.6 2025/02/16
solved: nextpnr-ice40 Library not loaded: ‘@rpath/Python3.framework/Versions/3.9/Python3’
run this command 2025/02/07
Solved: macports fatal error: ‘boost/filesystem/path.hpp’
Edit CMakeLists.txt, add these two line on top 2025/02/07
Two ways to init the output pin and remain same value