I am better to embed all testing assembly instruction in the antlr listener

I am better to embed all testing assembly instruction in the antlr listener rather than finding a way to embed them into the antlr grammar, because:

  1. Using parser of parser skill set to write a parser to parse antlr grammar and extract the testing asm instruction is too risky. One day the antlr grammar will change, if it happens, you have to adjust your parser.
  2. Every antlr grammar will become one function in the listener, it is exact 1:1 mapping, so embed the testing instruction in each listener’s method is good enough for me
  3. Custom Java annotation is the way i add custom thing in front of each function in antlr listener

!!! “testing instruction” is the instruction i pass to my assembler to test the output bytecode, i need the bytecode same as nasm to prove my assembler is correct or not.

!!! This is the tutorial i use to create custom java annotation https://www.mkyong.com/java/java-custom-annotations-example/