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雜心論對鬼有比較祥細的描述:1. 鬼有六識:眼意鼻舌身意,中國人普遍認為鬼無肉身,所以無身識2. 六道中各有不同的鬼,人死變人鬼,畜牲死變畜牲鬼,最特別的就是地獄眾生死後變死獄的鬼,由此可見地獄道眾生不是鬼,而餓鬼的眾生也不是鬼,如果不是鬼又怎會死了才變鬼呢3. 鬼經過女性的陰道投胎,而不是飛入個肚到投胎4. 有兩種說法,人道的鬼只能見到人道的鬼,第二種說法是人道的鬼可以見到比人道更低層次(地獄/畜牲/餓鬼)的鬼5. 鬼有時是見不到其它的鬼的,而中國的鬼應該是一定見到其它鬼的6. 鬼入胎後近右手為男,近左手為女,中國的鬼無此說法7. 地獄道的鬼頭向下腳向上而行走,只有天道的鬼才會飛8. 六道中各道的鬼與其道眾生,身型大小相差不遠

Assembler encoding test : 16-Bit Addressing Forms with the ModR/M Byte

Code to test “16-Bit Addressing Forms with the ModR/M Byte” // String instruction = “adc byte [ si+0x12], 0x1+0x20x3″; // String instruction = “adc byte [bx+si], 0x1+0x20x3″; // String instruction = “adc byte [bx+di], 0x1+0x20x3″; // String instruction = “adc byte [bp+di], 0x1+0x20x3″; // String instruction = “adc byte [si], 0x1+0x20x3″; // String instruction = […]

Solved – The root cause why Netbeans can’t print colored text using latest Maven

Netbeans has bundled an old Maven, version 3.3.9, it can’t print out colored text to the output window. But when we switch to latest Maven 3.6.0, all color gone. I asked Netbeans guys, maven guys and jansi guys for help, but can’t get a solution. So i try to hack the maven code, i found […]

終於publish左第一個reactjs+typescript的UI component上npmjs

Publish當中最唔明就係點解要自己寫tsconfig同gulp人手張typescript同scss去transpile,呢一點同java好唔同,jar就係jar,唔會理你係邊到行,但nodejs個世界唔同,production同dev版本分別好大。你自己用npx create-react-app去創建新project,的確可以係local行,但就publish唔到上npmjs成功俾人用(可能係typescript同scss太煩)。而家個我個package可以同時俾reactjs同sharepoint spfx去用,可以build UI component library了。

Godaddy cheap VPS之經驗

係Godaddy起左隻最Cheap VPS, $160蚊個月, 得一粒vcore同1GB Ram, 行ubuntu + mysql + apache + wordpress. 正常黎講要兩三個星期restart一次mysql因為out of memory. 行wordpres兩年之後response time趑黎越慢, 有成十秒先load到個page. 裝左W3 Total Cache之後快左好多, 一兩秒就load到, 建議大家一定要裝.

Solved : central admin new web application button is disabled

When you login to central admin and found out your “new web application” button is disabled. Just run SharePoint configuration Wizard, logout and login admin your windows. Everything will be fine. !!! If still failed, try to login to windows via non-administrator account. Then start central admin by “run as administrator”

Simplest c# sample to call azure storage api

Finally called the azure storage api, stucked for one hour in library. There is a / in + “/{0}/\ncomp:list”, Account); Remember two things:1. If you are calling to azure management api, you need a cert. Read and If you are calling azure storage api, you just need a key, no cert if needed.

JDK 11 problem

JDK11網上好多人都有我呢個問題,就係11 refactor左好多class,如果用嘅library係jdk8到compiler就會有呢個問題。Netbeans進度太慢,最新嘅netbeans 9.0只支持jdk10仲要好多plugin都用唔到,原因係netbeans.org呢個domain仲未貢獻俾apache基金會。所以原先netbeans plugin啲lib用緊package org.netbeans仲未可以移到俾apache,呢單野唔知搞幾耐。

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