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Author: admin MSN :

Mac has no mkfs.vfat

I have to package my kernel into a fat partition and load it up using grub, but mac doesn’t has a mkfs.vfat and “mount loopback” command. So I am creating a small programing using to manipulate the fat image by myself. So far these two small program can read & write a fat image: Read […]

tightvnc java is very slow on Retina

Take a look line 170 from This ((Graphics2D) g).setRenderingHint(RenderingHints.KEY_RENDERING, RenderingHints.VALUE_RENDER_QUALITY); make g.drawImage(offscreenImage,0,0,null); runs very slow on Mac Retina. Solve: set the value to “VALUE_RENDER_SPEED” instead of  VALUE_RENDER_QUALITY  

How to use PFSBuilder

How to use PFSBuilder This tutorial work in windows/linux/mac Step 1) Download the jar Step 2) make sure you have java in your PC Compress directory into PFS image Step 1) Make sure PFSBuilder.jar is in your current directory Step 2) Create a folder call “input” and put some files and directories in there Step […]

How titan connect to kvm’s vnc through titan server via java object stream

I nearly don’t understand the code I wrote 6 months ago about the vnc connection. It is a little complex, the basic idea is : Titan server create a proxy server to the kvm’s vnc. Titan server is using java object stream to communicate with client, it wrap all the bytes from the object stream […]

Analyst android ELF dependency-graph by elf-dependency-walker

Someone asked me in email about using elf-dependency-walker to analyst library or executable in linux. I found out android is using ELF format for its libraries or executables too. So the rest is simple. Please download the android emulator, within the directory there is the system image, which contain the file system. You can see in […]

solved : compile error in ffmpeg “error: invalid combination of opcode and operands”‏

I am using ubuntu 12.04 64 bits and trying compile ffmpeg and got this error: libavfilter/x86/vf_pullup.asm:59: error: invalid combination of opcode and operands libavfilter/x86/vf_pullup.asm:138: error: invalid combination of opcode and operands libavfilter/x86/vf_pullup.asm:175: error: invalid combination of opcode and operands To solve this, add “–disable-mmx” to your ./configure

sox and ffmpeg (convert hls into live hls) usage

These are the basic usage of SOX This script will convert ffmpeg HLS into “live streaming HLS” The above script has to run with ffmpeg: /root/download/ffmpeg-2.1.4/ffmpeg -f alsa -ac 2 -i hw:0,0 -strict experimental -acodec libmp3lame -map 0 -f segment -segment_list out.m3u8 -segment_format libmp3lame -segment_time 0.5 -segment_list_flags +live ‘a%05d.mp3’

newlib’s reentrant system calls will map to non-reentrant by default

newlib’s reentrant system calls will map to non-reentrant by default. The reentrant version of open() can be found in newlib-2.1.0/newlib/libc/reent/openr.c As you can see, it will call _open which is defined in newlib-2.1.0/newlib/libgloss/libnosys/open.c . So if you don’t write your reentrant functions, it will jump to non-reentrant by default. For OS developer want to implement […]

gcc, binutils and newlib can all be compiled at once.

gcc, binutils and newlib can all be compiled at once. This article said gcc, binutils and newlib are from the same source tree. Using the following script can linkup all files into a single directory and compile all of them at once. Just put the directories (binutils-2.24 , gcc-4.9.0 , newlib-2.1.0) and the above script in the […]

Found a bug in ndisasm

Type this command, ndisasm will hang (I guess it eat up all 4GB address space, disassemble offset starts at 0xfffffff0, which is very high address). My version is “NDISASM version 2.11.02 compiled on Apr 9 2014”, running on mac mavericks. temp file : temp.bin The bug is filed here

GKD progress 2014/04/14

Still working on the stub. Refactor the whole project and adding one more layer (add debugger stub to support different emulators) to the architecture, all are very hard and time consuming, even the whole project is developed by me. But this experience make be serious to the project-initial-design. Architecture is *important* !!!

Titan Language Rhapsody

Titan Language Rhapsody begin tran; var myCloud as Cloud var vm=myCloud.createVM(cpu=1, mem=2GB, public_ip=dhcp); vm.wait(VM.RUNNING); var trigger1 as Trigger; trigger1.addSensor(‘cpu>80%, duration>10s’); trigger1.addSensor(‘memory>80%, duration>10s’); trigger1.addAction(new Action(ACTION.SCALE_UP, 1)); vm.addTrigger(trigger1; commit;

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