Miglayout has bug? JPanel doens’t grow, but for JButton or JTextField, they can.
Author: admin
Eclipse CDT too many semantic errors
If you have too many “semantic error” in eclipse CDT, such like this You can switch it off in project properties but unblock “Syntax and Semantic Errors”
Found a bug in ndisasm
Type this command, ndisasm will hang (I guess it eat up all 4GB address space, disassemble offset starts at 0xfffffff0, which is very high address). My version is “NDISASM version 2.11.02 compiled on Apr 9 2014”, running on mac mavericks. temp file : temp.bin The bug is filed here https://sourceforge.net/p/nasm/bugs/557/
gdb protocol, “g” command
This is the tcpflow dump for the gdb protocol “g” command, it contains all register values. Let’s parse it: After the trace: target.c::debug_print_register gdbarch.c::gdbarch_register_name i386-tdep.c::i386_register_names The register packet can be decode by:
GKD progress 2014/04/14
Still working on the stub. Refactor the whole project and adding one more layer (add debugger stub to support different emulators) to the architecture, all are very hard and time consuming, even the whole project is developed by me. But this experience make be serious to the project-initial-design. Architecture is *important* !!!
dot in mac and linux produce different kind of ortho edge
dot in mac and linux produce different kind of ortho edge. I think the dot version affected it. Here is dot version in linux: Here is dot version in mac:
Titan Language Rhapsody
Titan Language Rhapsody begin tran; var myCloud as Cloud var vm=myCloud.createVM(cpu=1, mem=2GB, public_ip=dhcp); vm.wait(VM.RUNNING); var trigger1 as Trigger; trigger1.addSensor(‘cpu>80%, duration>10s’); trigger1.addSensor(‘memory>80%, duration>10s’); trigger1.addAction(new Action(ACTION.SCALE_UP, 1)); vm.addTrigger(trigger1; commit;
VM log dialog show correct process list for windows VM
VM log dialog show correct process list for windows VM.
When ESXi expire, you will see this dialog
When ESXi expire, you will see this dialog, so you know what features need money
a java example to record from microphone and save it to wav file and playback
This is a very simple java program to record from microphone and save it to wav file and playback
very old concept design for openstack dashboard in 2012
very old concept design for openstack dashboard in 2012
Cinders use LV Name as the volume ID
Cinders use LV Name as the volume ID
Titan dev status 2014/02/24
watching youtube in remote window is smooth. Video recording function need to be enhance, at least add basic searching
a good html 5 video streaming tutorial http://phoboslab.org/log/2013/09/html5-live-video-streaming-via-websockets
Restart server+cinder
When you restart the cinder node, make sure all your VG drives are up before starting tgt and cinder-volumne service. You can type “pvdisplay” command to see if there anything. Otherwise the cinder will still up and show you the storage volume, but you can’t start any vm by “nova boot”.
rename computer name for sharepoint 2010
after rename computer name for sharepoint 2010, need this command:
The titan design should reference to this
I should learn this before design the titan further
dev update
Ribbon bar is better
Ribbon bar is better. Original design put the major buttons on the LHS, but it grabs space than the tree (describe the openstack architecture). Also the original design put all the function buttons on the bottom, it is better to put it on the ribbon bar that on the top. In ribbon bar, major button […]
Availability zone in titan
Availability zone in titan, will work out this in chinese new year holiday.
openstack VM hang up after changed screen solution
openstack VM hang up after changed screen solution, i tried to change the screen resolution from 1280×1024 to 800×600, the screen just size down, but the VM is hang. It is completely hang because i can’t even ping/ssh to that VM. Do you know the reason?
slow ssh connect to host from openstack vm
if you having a slow-login problem when you are trying to connect ssh from the openstack vm to the outside world. This will solve the issue: Edit /etc/nsswitch.conf , change “hosts: files mdns4_minimal [NOTFOUND=return] dns mdns4” to “hosts: files dns”, no need to restart anything, ssh login prompt will come out quickly.
titan agent is working!
titan agent is working! it is written in java, sending back the server status (cpu/mem/etc…) back to titan server in json form.
VM process window, i think this will be good enough
Still working on the VM process window, I want titan user able to see clearly inside VM. In this window, the chart will show the cpu/memory usage of that VM. I will enhance it to: 1. When select a process on the bottom, the chart will show the cpu usage only to that process. This […]
vSphere client chart options
Here is the screens from vsphere client, many things for us to learn how to design charting.
openstack vm can’t access interest (solved)
Here is my home openstack lab, if you follow the openstack official guide to try openstack, your environment will be pretty similar than mine. I met a trouble: my openstack vm can’t access internet. Here is how to solve it: My environment is: 1) I got a broadband line, connected to the gateway server, the gateway […]
Instance chart
You can now select a VM, click the “log” button on the bottom, you can see vm’s cpu/memory chart.
you can start nova in this way
When you failed to start nova-network or nova-compute by command “service nova-compute start”, the log will has nothing. But you can solve this by “service nova-compute start && ps aux|grep nova-compute”, this command will list out the command line to start nova-compute, just paste that into your terminal, now your nova-compute is running directly rather […]
Titan Architecture (2014/01/05 update)
This is the Titan architectural diagram. Titan solution consists of 4 projects, they are: 1. Titan Server – It is the core part of the system, it used to controls all openstack services (nova, neutron, etc…). The role of the titan server is to execute the command from Titan management tool. 2. Titan – It […]
Great article about openstack+linux network
Great article about openstack+linux network http://robhirschfeld.com/2013/10/16/openstack-neutron-using-linux-bridges-technical-explanation/
“nova show” command doesn’t retrieve all the log records from table instance_faults
I am designing the log window (see below) for titan to show the error log for an instance. When the instance is fail to start, i can use “nova show” to get the error message, but the message is only the last record of table instance_faults, so the log message is not complete. Any openstack command […]
Titan Log window
When you try to launch a new VM, and if it is failed. You can click the “Log” button to view the error message, this help you to trace the error.
Titan with windows 7
finally bring up windows 7 in openstack
finally bring up windows 7 in openstack, one weird thing is : I don’t need to install virtio driver to make it works.
Defining the Cloud
A cloud must be built on pooled, virtual infrastructure. This includes not only the CPU and memory resources but also the storage and networking and associated services. The cloud should provide application mobility between clouds, allowing the consumer to easily enter the cloud and exit the cloud with existing workloads. The use of existing consumer tools for […]
Jetty require servlet-api 2.5 to fix “java.lang.NoSuchMethodError
Jetty require servlet-api 2.5 to fix “java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: javax.servlet.ServletContext.getContextPath()Ljava/lang/String”, don’t add “org.mortbay.jetty servlet-api”, you need :
My new switch TP-Link
My new switch TP-Link, very cheap, just $628 HKD. Will buy two more computers to setup a better openstack lab.
devstack neutron problem
When you meet the following error when starting devtsack with neutron, add “enable_service q-lbaas” in your localrc. Error: My localrc After the fix, my neutron is running
The Costs of Versioning an API
http://www.infoq.com/news/2013/12/api-versioning Contract versioning and API/Service versioning has always been a consideration for SOA based systems. Whether because of the impact it has on composability, or client-service governance, it is still something of an art rather than a science. There are many examples of groups giving the benefit of their experiences (e.g., around REST is extremely popular). However, recently Jean-Jacques Dubray […]
Open vswitch overview
Start ovs monitor, look at the tabs’ name, you probably know how many function that OVS offer, this give me a big picture of integrate ova into openstack.