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Author: admin MSN :

steps to reinstall devstack

steps to reinstall devstack 1) Remove all the openstack;s databases from mysql, glance, keystone, nova, etc… 2) Delete the install directory of devstack, default is /opt/stack 3) Remove your old devstack git clone directory, because we want to check out the latest code 4) You *don’t* need to delete /usr/local/lib/python2.7/distpackages/openstack* , but if you did […]

let’s beat vSphere using openstack

Let’s beat vSphere using openstack, first step is to learn everything from it o VMware vSphere 5 Evaluation Guide – Volume1 VMware-vSphere-Evaluation-Guide-1 o VMware vSphere 5 Evaluation Guide – Volume 2 – Advance Storage Features VMware-vSphere-Evaluation-Guide-2-Advanced-Storage o VMware vSphere 5 Evaluation Guide – Volume 3 – Advance Networking Features VMware-vSphere-Evaluation-Guide-3-Advanced-Networking o VMware vSphere 5 Evaluation […]

openstack – restart error : Max retries exceeded with url

If you install openstack by devstack, when you reboot your server and restart the openstack by this script, when you browse to the dashboard and you will see this error message “HTTPConnectionPool(host=’′, port=8776): Max retries exceeded with url: /v1/b721f5b1f7cd43dd83ee573f6d4e6c74/os-quota-sets/b721f5b1f7cd43dd83ee573f6d4e6c74 (Caused by <class ‘socket.error’>: [Errno 111] Connection refused)” You should check with your endpoints server […]

Openstack architecture diagram (kvm, qemu-kvm, libvirt, nova, cinder)a

Correct me if i am wrong. Openstack components (nova, cinder, glance) controls libvirt to provide visualization and libvirt use qemu-kvm as the hypervisor. The reason openstack don’t control the qemu-kvm directly is because libvirt provides better cross VM functionality (it can adopt to xen, vmware, etc…) and it provides high-end function such pool management and […]

when you debugging qemu, it will keep firing SIGUSR1 so gdb will always catched in some breakpooints that are not defined by you

when you debugging qemu, it will keep firing SIGUSR1 so gdb will always catched in some breakpooints that are not defined by you, to turn off the SIGUSR1, you have to: (gdb) info signal SIGUSR1 Signal Stop Print Pass to program Description SIGUSR1 Yes Yes Yes User defined signal 1 And if deemed to not […]

newlib compile error in Fedora 18 64 bits

when you meet the following error, add “.code32” can fix it. ../../../../../../newlib-1.19.0/newlib/libc/machine/i386/memcmp.S: Assembler messages: ../../../../../../newlib-1.19.0/newlib/libc/machine/i386/memcmp.S:18: Error: invalid instruction suffix for `push’ ../../../../../../newlib-1.19.0/newlib/libc/machine/i386/memcmp.S:21: Error: invalid instruction suffix for `push’ ../../../../../../newlib-1.19.0/newlib/libc/machine/i386/memcmp.S:22: Error: invalid instruction suffix for `push’ ../../../../../../newlib-1.19.0/newlib/libc/machine/i386/memcmp.S:23: Error: invalid instruction suffix for `push’ ../../../../../../newlib-1.19.0/newlib/libc/machine/i386/memcmp.S:72: Error: invalid instruction suffix for `pop’ ../../../../../../newlib-1.19.0/newlib/libc/machine/i386/memcmp.S:73: Error: invalid instruction suffix for […]

10 places where anyone can learn to code

Teens, tweens and kids are often referred to as “digital natives.” Having grown up with the Internet, smartphones and tablets, they’re often extraordinarily adept at interacting with digital technology. But Mitch Resnick, who spoke at TEDxBeaconStreet in November, is skeptical of this descriptor. Sure, young people can text and chat and play games, he says, “but that […]

In search of the anti-ddos device Preamble The following text describes the evaluation of the most reasonable solution in order to achieve the goal of protecting our infrastructure from DDoS attacks. All collected values and impressions do not lay claim to being correct nor complete. This article only reflects our experiences and data and therefore should be used to help […]

How to change Fedora’s font rendering to get an Ubuntu-like result

Font rendering is a matter of taste. However, I personally think Ubuntu’s default font rendering is the most eye-pleasing one of the whole Linux eco-system. And if a website’s CSS font stack is looking good on Ubuntu, you can be relatively sure that it also works for Mac or MS Windows as long as the used fonts are available on these […]

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