Author Archives: admin
Build a programmer for ATF22V10C using Arduino
Arduino read/write AT24C256

Many examples not work from google, it is because it needs a delay after write operand, so i put delay(100)
Quantr-Logic + PLD

We are thinking of synthesis logic into FPGA but the task is quite complex, We found a new way to do what we want: We generate the jedec file and let the end user burn it into PLD. This brings us the ability to design logic from Quantr-Logic, kick a button, and burn it into […]
Shatin IVE library has great books

Shatin IVE library has great FPGA books, I think they have a long history in electronics.
ATMEGA328P default fuse

RISC-V Day Hong Kong 2023

thank you Professor Ray invited us to join

呢本書講道教, 其實IT同道教好多相似之處 1. 道教最開頭玩 [ 請雷 ] 同 [ 請聖 ], 因為朝庭有啲嘅做得唔好例如農業搞唔掂, 加上解釋唔到自然現象所以請神幫助. 道教認為自太初(姐係宇宙之初)有一啲叫天寶字符嘅野成形, 道教唔知呢啲圖形符號係乜黎, 只係知道佢有神力可以一用, 所以啲有道行嘅道士張佢寫係張紙到就可以用黎消災解難. 對比起IT, 啲IT人好多時都解釋唔到啲技術係乜, 公司唔掂無效率解決唔到, 班友搞唔掂唯由寫道符(Tender)請神, 但班友又唔神心請神變左請鬼. 呢本書都講如果道士寫符唔淨心就會走火入魔, 請左啲邪鬼上黎. 2. 道教根本係一個無乜哲學嘅宗教, 成單野就係一大群道士係到吹, 而道士同道士之間係無提出過任何質問, 總之你有你講我有我講, 大家唔好踢爆各玩各嘅, 成個宗教就係一個大型嘅俾面派對大家唔好阻住大家揾食. 你睇返而家IT界啲KOL, 個個都係講埋啲你阿媽係女人嘅野, 有時仲要講錯, 佢地係好唔鐘意有人對佢地提出質疑, 那怕個質疑只係一條簡簡單單嘅問題, 佢地都唔會回應而unfriend左你. 我試過問Emil Chan同方保僑係邊一方面嘅專家, 佢地都即刻block Q左我. 呢一點同道教嘅道士非常相似. 3. 皇帝有問題問啲道士, 例如天下係點形成, 運勢有咩走法咁, 啲道士會答到超級high level完全落唔到地嗰隻. 對比係印度同希臘啲哲學家, 使佢地答唔到, 佢地都會嘗試將個問題break down去啲細啲嘅問題去再解釋, 而道教係只會將你指來指去, 一時就太初點點點, 一時就啲鬼神點點點, […]
Funny lesson today to build few 8-bit registers

Teaching teens for electronics is a rewarding and fulfilling experience. Electronics is a fascinating field that combines creativity, logic, and problem-solving. By teaching teens for electronics, you can help them discover the joy of learning new skills, creating useful devices, and exploring the world of technology. You can also inspire them to pursue their passions, […]

15.8.2023IT 小姐組一次工作會議在IT小組主席張民傑獅兄、總監陸嘉暉獅兄、第二副總監梁鳳華獅姐 領導下訂定各項IT工作,肯定今年的工作計劃賣個關子:好快會有重要IT事情宣佈

係香港,由其是CS同EE你好少見到教授做implement嘅原因不外乎以下兩個 如何改變呢一個現實 要有一群死士執行以下任務

香港嘅科研唔掂,由其是教育界嘅科研,因為佢地無”愛”。香港教育界當然有好多熱心教育嘅老師,但亦有好多人令教育界唔似教育界 1. 老師未必愛好和平 通常真係鐘意教人嘅人都會係比較和平,始終教人係一件神聖嘅事業。但係好多院校內鬥好嚴重,好多時候啲老師好鐘意鬥來鬥去,所以佢地一啲都唔愛好和平。 2. 其實教育界好多時都無乜包容 好多時候學生做錯少少野佢地會發火,無乜包容可言,學校理應係一個提供無限犯錯機會嘅地方,但相反,香港有好多學院根本唔容許人犯錯,無論係學生或者老師都係。舉個例子,youtube上大吧流浪教師,佢地都唔好話做錯野,只要做左少少人地睇唔順眼嘅野,就會被人搞掂。好多老師佢地嘅性格比公務員更加公務員,有突發事件,佢地會嬲。有啲唔係佢地plan左而出現左嘅事,佢地會發癲。總之佢地嘅性格係要跟預定計劃而行,任何人任何事只要中途殺出,佢地就會發狂。所以無論對人對事都無乜包容。 3. 老師根本就好小氣 學校呢個環境其實係一個好好俾人地小氣嘅環境,老師對上得幾個人佢地在乎,其它身邊嘅所有老師佢地可以盡性小氣一翻,小氣亦都可以好長久,姐係記仇。因為咁樣好多老師都無乜人際能力,舉個例子,兜口兜面打照乎可以無反應。 4. 香港嘅老師係按本子辦事嘅生物 一句講哂,跟課程教跟學校規舉。學校想點就點,大家打份工。外國老師因材施教係香港唔會發生,可以咁講,個種程度唔同。香港老師都會認為自己會因材施教,但變幅可能係10%,外國嘅係50%係香港唔會發生。點因材施教都好,功課唔會改,考試亦都會照考。 咁同香港嘅學院研究下啲野可唔可行呢? 無話唔可行嘅,六合彩都有人中啦。但我嘅真實睇法係呢個機會好渺茫。原因係咁:唔愛好和平嘅老師通常唔識做人,科研要有長久而穩定嘅人際關係,佢地唔會俾到你。無包容嘅學院你亦都唔洗哂時間去遊說,因為佢地個氣氛唔係做科研,佢地係打工。加上無包容度嘅老師無可能同你一齊研究一樣野好耐,因為科研要經歷失敗,佢地一經歷失敗就會發癲。你唔好同按本子辦事嘅老師講推廣科技,教書只係一份工作,除非好快可以幫到佢升職,否則你都係唔好哂時間。 其實掉返轉頭諗,如果香港嘅學院真係咁識得同人合作搞科研,全世界一早排隊黎揾佢地啦,洗等你咩。佢地一定係有一啲被全世界都唾棄嘅缺點,否則香港唔會係而家咁嘅局面。
We have built the 8 bits register

Teenager computer architecture free lessons
VTC個online library係無敵嘅

Download論文一個click, 至少比Cityu無敵

多謝hkcota同oshk安排, 今次台灣可以係coscup 2023講個talk實在開心.
Support debug using vscode for xv6-riscv

launch.json in “.vscode” folder tasks.json “.vscode” folder Remove “-O” in Makefile run: set some breakpoints in vscode make qemu-gdb click the “run” button in vscode, see below
Good bye IVE 21st July 2023

Elec components related to FPGA

Nand / Nor

i know any gate can convert to NAND or NOR, asked many time why people always use NAND instead of NOR, no one can answer, but i found the answer now. NAND need voltage, NOR need current.
香港搞open source搞唔起的原因

香港永遠唔會出到外國咁成功同大型的open source project, 原因如下: 原因一: 香港無錢 香港人最驚被人話無錢, 但係開源呢單野上正正就係無錢, 可以話係窮到一蚊都無嗰種. 唔信你可以申請下創新科技署同科學園, 你話你搞open source睇下批唔批到條毛俾你. 原因二: 香港人無堅持力同投入度 你可能會反駁香港人都搞好多open source project, 但係得罪講句啲project係停留係小工具嘅層面(我唔係串, 我只係講事實), 係級數同規模上無得同外國比. 至於點解呢世做小工具, 原因不外乎香港人堅持同投入度都極度低下, 無人可以做一單野用十年做單位. 原因三: 香港人好鐘意得個噏字 香港真係太多阿叔, 可以睇 創科阿叔心理分析 原因四: 香港人啲技術低 HK developer = App developer, 個底係打工仔一名, 啲咩科學改變世界唔會關佢地事, 佢地只關心轉工. 原因五: 香港學界無力 香港嘅學界基本上一蚊都揾唔到sponsor, 如果你揾啲教授合作, 佢地唔係自己着數哂就唔會做, 一係就係咁得個吹字. 講技術, 香港學界有幾多料大家都知, 出論文可能得, 但要開發啲實際野唔洗諗. 原因六: 香港無一群有科學使命嘅老細 所有老細為賺錢, 佢地可能都係讀科學出身, 但個底唔係科學人, 可以話一啲科學精神都無. 佢地搞野要三個月後攞出去賣, […]
Heltec Arduino super simple tutorial

Buy from here. Offical website. Steps to make it work in arduino: 3. Burn these examples To try the wifi example 2. Change the wifi ID and password, case sensitive 3. Run it and see the result in serial monitor, set the baudrate to 115200. It grab the html from outside, see the code then […]
Arduino Nano V3.0 + NRF24L01

This little board is nearly the same size as nano but embedded with a NRF24L01, and also very cheap $4 USD. To make it works: The “RF24 > Scanner” will works like below 100% compatible with Arduino nano
CLB and IOB design

altera and xilinx probably copying each other
Remote riscv-qemu gdb in vscode

3. Change the no of hart to 1 Result : Step over fully work
HVPP reset Arduino Nano fuses
Programming Arduino using STK500 ISP

STK500 is better than MKII since it supports high voltage programming, it can reset fuses from any status. Step 1: Install the driver. Must be version from date 7th Oct Plug in the USB, if it detected wrong driver, update it by select specific folder’. Need reboot the computer to take effect. Step 2: connect […]
Programming Arduino using MKII ISP

I got MKII ISP from here. To program Arduino Nano via Microchip studio, nothing special, remember have to select the chip. And Nano D8 pin is B0. Nano bootloader can be found in here.
STM32 power up

Did it one more time and
Step to make icesugar 40 works

Simplest steps To make the RGB led work, put on these three jumpers
solder resistors to make oled change from spi to i2c

Arduino To make it work in Arduino, don’t use adafruit SSD1306, you have to use SSH110X library. Run the example, no need to modify anycode.
STM32 + OLED 0.96 4pins I2C, works

This video works , sample code is in here.
Arduino Nano IIS + Oled

this youtube works. Oled 0.91 and 0.96 inch both work. Oled can buy in here. The adafruit example is 128×32, need to change to 128×64 for 0.96 inch oled. One thing becareful, 0.96 oled 128×64, the address is still 0x3c, not 0x3d In Arduino IDE, change the address to “3C”, otherwise won’t work
We teach kids for free

Kids coding training, lions clubs
We start building benblue computer

HKOSCON 2023 – Verilog talk

Teaching teenagers to understand logic

Teaching always sharpen my knowledge, fill up all the missing gap of my skill
Powerup STM32 by breadboard

I found something:
Compiled Logic papers

ATMega 328p use ext 16M oscilator
Very good arduino uno clone

bought from here
Step to run icesugar-nano

Bought from here. user manual:  7 serial driver: and semantics: Follow . If you got this error: fatal error: ‘ftdi.h’ file not found, then modify in /Users/peter/workspace/icestorm: Edit /Users/peter/workspace/icestorm/iceprog/Makefile All examples in , just drag the demo program from demo folder or build it […]