Category Archives: Azure
Solved : C# Azure functions in vs
If your c# azure functions project in visual studio has error : “There is no Functions runtime available that matches the version specified in the project.”. Do this : Click : Download & Install 2024/11/20
Azure CDN SAS token expired will give you wrong error message
Azure CDN SAS token expired will give you wrong error message of the expired period 2024/10/08
Azure抄走隻vhd真係好貴,抄左兩個file,200GB,成100蚊美金 2019/09/02
Simplest c# sample to call azure storage api
Finally called the azure storage api, stucked for one hour in library. There is a / in + “/{0}/\ncomp:list”, Account); Remember two things:1. If you are calling to azure management api, you need a cert. Read and If you are calling azure storage api, you just need a key, no cert if needed. 2018/10/27
Azure Recovery Services vaults根本就backup唔到
Azure Recovery Services vaults根本就backup唔到仲要無得delete個backup job,而家除左等唔知可以點!? 2018/08/26
I think i found an azure bug
I think i found an azure bug, the ftp option is disappear when i create a “NodeJS Empty web” app service. 2018/05/06
Deploy nodejs to azure, it just hang
Deploy nodejs to azure, it just hang. The “/usr/bin/npm-cli.js” install –production take forever time to complete, i have waited 10 mins, i think it is hang. 2018/03/04
Azure functions for java still not mature enough
I was trying to put my assembler on cloud and found out Azure functions for java still not mature enough, using some libraries such as antlr will cause unable to compile. Searching around google and seems no answer. 2018/02/17
Netbeans + Azure functions
If you are programming Azure functions in Netbeans, when you run “azure-functions:run”, you will have this bug: azure function “sh: func: command not found” Just manually copy your $PATH variable into netbeans, bug will gone 2017/12/11