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Category: Computer Engineering

Assembler Meetup #23, 2019/12/07

Meet in MongKok. Mainly shorten the grammar. Jenny confirmed each instruction can be translated by same five functions. We confirmed if instruction has only one operand, we have to add byte/word/dword/qword, e.g.: inc byte [ax] And some instructions such as call doesn’t support all four combinations of byte/word/dword/qword, this “call byte [ax]” will report error […]

Getting started with RISC-V So you have heard of this RISC-V thing typically talked about in the context of microprocessors and to a lesser degree also for desktop processors. RISC-V is an open-source hardware instruction set architecture (ISA). Similarly to how X86 for Intel and AMD is a closed source ISA. Being an open-source ISA any manufacturer can […]

Assembler dev meeting #14

2019/09/21, as usual, heading to our first milestone. Enhanced the full test output, added two filters. Filter out by instruction or by error. Jenny and Kelvin is clearing the ADC instruction Desmond is extending to support Windows PE format

Assembler dev meeting #13

2019/09/14, we met in cityu again. I finished IMM in other project . So Assembler’s parser will eat up the whole numeric string and then pass it to antlr-calculator-library, if it contains a maths expression, it return the final answer which is a number. I created another library to produce ELF output. Jenny and […]

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