Category Archives: Openstack
VM status in nova API
in the following code form nova API (./nova/api/openstack/ , you can see VM only have these status ACTIVE BUILD SHUTOFF VERIFY_RESIZE PAUSED SUSPEND RESCUE ERROR DELETED SOFT_DELETED SHELVED_OFFLOADED 2013/12/01
Titan language IDE design 2013/11/30
Titan language IDE design 2013/11/30, just discussed with professor Li. Will start building it from next week. 2013/11/30
Titan software design 2013/11/29
This screen will show the status of VM running inside the Openstack. 2013/11/29
Implementing High Performance Parsers in Java
Implementing High Performance Parsers in Java 2013/11/26
Designing dashboard screen
Designing dashboard screen, need to meet these goals: 1) able to show status of VM 2) i think people usually have less than 32 VMs runnning, so the design will be optimized to show 32 VMs 3) i will reference redhat cloudforms interface 2013/11/22
Latest Titan Screen (charts)
my openstack key file
Design concept
This is my first draft of design concept of the VM page in Titan, please give me comment PSD download here 2013/08/03
A little enhancement
If the openstack is down when you start titan server, it will show you the status. 2013/08/03
Titan design draft 2013/07/27
Going to develop this network montior/setup screen. 2013/07/28
Why the Cloud Wars Have Yet to be Won
The cloud computing industry is still young relative to the history of computing, but increasingly, speculators are in a rush to declare a “winner.” Of course, based on certain metrics it’s possible to identify leaders. But we certainly don’t think the game is over, and we were pleased to see that Charlie Babcock of InformationWeek agrees with […] 2013/07/23
example launch the vnc by tightvnc java library
After a few hours hack into the tightvnc code, i can display the vnc onto a JPanel, i will replace the buggy novnc with my own vnc proxy server, so user don’t need to setup the novnc for openstack but able to remote to every instance using openstack. 2013/05/20
tightvnc java viewer, cancel connection dialog popup
when running tightvnc java viewer, add parameter “-password=mypassword myhost:9401” change line 181 in, from to 2013/05/19
The script i use to restart the devstack
This is the script i use to restart the devstack, i am using it with ubuntu 12.10 64 bits and devstack 2013/05/17
openstack token expiry date
my colleague Thomas discovered that if we send two commands to openstack using the curl to get the same token, the expiry will keep changing to later time. This will cause the token never expire. 2013/05/07
something need to care when you use devstack
I have a ubuntu 12.10 64 bits, i can easily install devstack, but there are some points still need to care about the devstack 1. Devstack installation script is to git clone the latest version from the openstack source repository, if the repository’s code contain bug, your openstack will fail. If you use devstack in […] 2013/04/24
steps to reinstall devstack
steps to reinstall devstack 1) Remove all the openstack;s databases from mysql, glance, keystone, nova, etc… 2) Delete the install directory of devstack, default is /opt/stack 3) Remove your old devstack git clone directory, because we want to check out the latest code 4) You *don’t* need to delete /usr/local/lib/python2.7/distpackages/openstack* , but if you did […] 2013/04/22
let’s beat vSphere using openstack
Let’s beat vSphere using openstack, first step is to learn everything from it o VMware vSphere 5 Evaluation Guide – Volume1 VMware-vSphere-Evaluation-Guide-1 o VMware vSphere 5 Evaluation Guide – Volume 2 – Advance Storage Features VMware-vSphere-Evaluation-Guide-2-Advanced-Storage o VMware vSphere 5 Evaluation Guide – Volume 3 – Advance Networking Features VMware-vSphere-Evaluation-Guide-3-Advanced-Networking o VMware vSphere 5 Evaluation […] 2013/04/17
development openstack dashboard
I and my colleague are currently develop some modules on openstack dashboard. Here is the list for you to know : when you modify a page in dashboard, which files you need to deal with, this will save you some time: download : openstack_dashboard 2013/04/12
openstack – restart error : Max retries exceeded with url
If you install openstack by devstack, when you reboot your server and restart the openstack by this script, when you browse to the dashboard and you will see this error message “HTTPConnectionPool(host=’′, port=8776): Max retries exceeded with url: /v1/b721f5b1f7cd43dd83ee573f6d4e6c74/os-quota-sets/b721f5b1f7cd43dd83ee573f6d4e6c74 (Caused by <class ‘socket.error’>: [Errno 111] Connection refused)” You should check with your endpoints server […] 2013/04/09
Openstack architecture diagram (kvm, qemu-kvm, libvirt, nova, cinder)a
Correct me if i am wrong. Openstack components (nova, cinder, glance) controls libvirt to provide visualization and libvirt use qemu-kvm as the hypervisor. The reason openstack don’t control the qemu-kvm directly is because libvirt provides better cross VM functionality (it can adopt to xen, vmware, etc…) and it provides high-end function such pool management and […] 2013/03/29
QEMU migration via QMP / Monitor command
I just tested the qemu-kvm with QMP, when i send out the qmp command for migration, it takes 20 seconds, it is much slower than type in the command in qemu monitor. 2013/03/21
openstack conflict with virtualbox
When you are running vm in virtual box, and try to start any vm in openstack. The vm that are running in virtualbox will crash immediately, you need to do the follow command to shut it down. If you want to restart that VM, please rmmod the kvm module. I guess is that the kvm […] 2013/03/17
OOM has trouble to KVM, it can’t shot down the kvm
In Linux, if the system is out of memory, OOM will pick one process to kill. But someone reported the OOM can’t kill the qemu-kvm, that mean if you are running many VMs that eat up all the memory, the Linux will hang because OOM can’t kill them In tried to run 64 VMs using […] 2013/03/17