Category Archives: Programming
Tutorial to setup RF-Nano 2024/12/18
STM32 + DHT11 example 2024/12/18
PhpIsDead framework init idea

How laravel can inject function to object in their ORM

The technique they have used are “trait“, “magic function” and “call_user_func_array“. The whole thing work in runtime, not compile time. 1. Php trait PHP trait is just like copy and paste the code from trait into the injected class. 2. Magic function When calling a not exist function, the __call function will be called. Laravel […] 2024/11/17
This book is totally outdated

This book is totally outdated because the official facebook PHP SDK is already deprecated. Now we should go for facebook javascript SDK 2024/10/31

如果想知道容器嘅原理,我圈起左 2024/07/01
Simplest standalone ApacheDS server

This code run a standalone ApacheDS server, you can use ApacheDS studio to connect to it, it host localhost:10389 pom.xml Then you can connect it by ApacheDS Studio 2024/06/09
How to make your netbeans more beautiful

Set to a better font size 4. Set the color 2024/04/27
Quantr Dwarf Library – Print address/lineNo/ColNo from specific address
Linear Regression in java
Latest SPFx, web parts not appear

Using latest SPFx with node v18, pack and deploy the app no error, but web parts not appear, because you missed this. When you upgrade your SharePoint project, beware of this 2024/01/12
Netbeans programmatically add watch expression to the “watch window”
use this code pom.xml 2024/01/05
WordPress Theme to support post-views-counter

To make the plugin works, need to call wp_footer() in footer.php 2023/12/04
syscall.c for STM32 + XCubeAI
Funny lesson today to build few 8-bit registers

Teaching teens for electronics is a rewarding and fulfilling experience. Electronics is a fascinating field that combines creativity, logic, and problem-solving. By teaching teens for electronics, you can help them discover the joy of learning new skills, creating useful devices, and exploring the world of technology. You can also inspire them to pursue their passions, […] 2023/08/17

多謝hkcota同oshk安排, 今次台灣可以係coscup 2023講個talk實在開心. 2023/08/07
PNP create a new list get 403 access denied
Create a new list in SPO via PNPjs will get 403 access denied, run this script to solve it 2023/03/20
Load jar and dynamically create object from it
Two maven project, project A load the project B jar, create the object dynamically and invoke the method Project A: Project A: Project B: 2023/03/17
WordPress Component

To redesign our first app engine, we reference WordPress. This is its loading sequence 2022/09/10
Change SP list into MS list

just add “?env=WebViewList” at the end of URL 2022/08/25
Very good micro python board 2022/08/22
Very good lucene book in cityu library

Tiny STM32 board (STM32F103C8T6) STM32F103C8T6 2022/08/16
Great ByteBuddy tutorial

refer to 2022/07/02
Solved: SharePoint 2019 ERR_HTTP2_PROTOCOL_ERROR
Navigate to the registry key 2.HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Services\HTTP\Parameters. Add 2 new REG_DWORD values, EnableHttp2Tls and EnableHttp2Cleartext, to this registry key. Set both values to 0. Reboot the server refer to 2022/06/29
SharePoint Error: apps are turned off
Solved by these commands 2022/06/17
Code to set accent color of FlatLaf
Convert 64 bits binary string to BigInteger and maintain the sign

The first and third method converted successfully with sign. The second one fail. The reason 3rd way working is : It convert to biginteger and convert to long (then we have sign),then convert back to biginteger (also with sign) 2022/05/08
Netbeans : communicate with other JTopComponent in the same module
OpenEdx knowledge base – get all comments for a specific discussion thread
Don’t use “skip” in antlr grammar for netbeans syntax highlight

use “channel (HIDDEN)” instead of “skip”, otherwise the netbeans will throw exception. 2021/11/16
validate() in TableCellRenderer affect performance in windows

validate() in TableCellRenderer affect performance in windows, just read the source code of DefaultTableCellRenderer, just override it with empty function body will increase huge performance. Only windows affect this, mac and linux wont. 2021/11/06
Microsoft Online Services SLA
SharePoint Online奇怪現象
呼叫SharePoint Online Restful api時,如果ISPHttpClientOptions是空一樣能成功,但返回之時間值會錯timezone 2021/07/22
SPFX init pnpjs
Export Folder Permission to csv
Nice book

A very good provision tutorial 2021/05/08
Good book about search design

spfx v1.12因為太多bug強行下架

spfx v1.12因為太多bug所以咪記已經強行下架而家變返v1.11, 之前用左v1.12請人手downgrade。玩咪記野跟車太貼有一定風險。 2021/03/28