Category Archives: Java

Simplest standalone ApacheDS server

This code run a standalone ApacheDS server, you can use ApacheDS studio to connect to it, it host localhost:10389 pom.xml Then you can connect it by ApacheDS Studio
How to make your netbeans more beautiful

Set to a better font size 4. Set the color
Quantr Dwarf Library – Print address/lineNo/ColNo from specific address

Linear Regression in java

Load jar and dynamically create object from it

Two maven project, project A load the project B jar, create the object dynamically and invoke the method Project A: Project A: Project B:
Very good lucene book in cityu library

Great ByteBuddy tutorial

refer to
Code to set accent color of FlatLaf

Convert 64 bits binary string to BigInteger and maintain the sign

The first and third method converted successfully with sign. The second one fail. The reason 3rd way working is : It convert to biginteger and convert to long (then we have sign),then convert back to biginteger (also with sign)
Netbeans : communicate with other JTopComponent in the same module

Don’t use “skip” in antlr grammar for netbeans syntax highlight

use “channel (HIDDEN)” instead of “skip”, otherwise the netbeans will throw exception.
validate() in TableCellRenderer affect performance in windows

validate() in TableCellRenderer affect performance in windows, just read the source code of DefaultTableCellRenderer, just override it with empty function body will increase huge performance. Only windows affect this, mac and linux wont.
Netbeans bug

Netbeans 11.3 + JDK 13.0.2 + FlatLaf Light theme. Missing character “l” in the package name. If mouse over, tooptip shows correct name.
6 hours to fix my antlr netbeans plugin

Used near 6 hours to fix my netbeans-antlr plugin. I have to remember these: Netbeans build in antlr library have to in-sync with the antlr i am using in my pluging. If they in different version, unexpected result will come out. In windows, if antlr grammar has some mistakes (I meant not problems, your grammar […]
Netbeans module failed to install nb-javac

If you netbeans maven module used this in pom.xml, then you will have this problem
I thought Java swing is pixel graphic

In last 20 years, I thought Java swing is pixel graphic, but i found out it is vector. I tried to draw a 1 pixel line with 45 degrees, and when i zoom out, i proved it is not pixel base. So all drawLine, drawRect function calls are vector graphic.