Category Archives: Programming
支持本土, 寫Program用香港人嘅字體
「昭源黑體」唔錯 !!! 2021/03/07
Build vscode, host it localhost and run it in browser Visual Studio Code 是微软推出的一款轻量级编辑器,与它一起在市场争锋的相似软件还有 Atom 和 Sublime Text,面世第二年的它只占据 7% 左右的市场,后来在短短三年时间雄踞了半壁江山,不可谓不哇塞。 发育如此强势的软件,背后到底是如何设计的,未来一段时间,我将带着你一点一点拨开她的面纱,再撩开她的裙摆。 下载源码 Visual Studio Code 简称 VSCode,需要注意的是,平时我们使用的 VSCode 那是产品,而下面我们要介绍的是源码,产品是源码的构建结果;源码使用的 MIT License,而产品使用的是这个 MICROSOFT SOFTWARE LICENSE TERMS,如果你想把 VSCode 用于商用,建议从源码构建出新的产品,而不是直接使用人家官网上提供下载链接的 VSCode Product。 官网地址是 源码在这里:。 我们先把源码 down 下来: git clone –depth 1 由于 VSCode 项目过于活跃,提交量非常庞大,到目前为止,已经有 56,092 次提交了,建议在下载源码的时候加了一句 --depth 1,意思就是只现在最近一次 commit 的代码。 30s 后……71M,不慢。 安装依赖 在安装依赖之前,我们不妨稍微分析下 VSCode 的项目结构, ➜ vscode (master) tree -L […] 2021/03/07
Power Automate Desktop
Power Automate Desktop有好強烈嘅”Variable”氣息, 呢一點會令好多Programmer所喜愛. 加上佢對傳統Programming嘅範式有好正嘅一對一支持, 特別令Programmer容易上手, 就算係一啲初級嘅Programmer都會覺得好就手. 加上咪記黎緊會加強佢嘅SDK支持同加深自己產品線嘅整合, 所以UIPath今次玩完了. 2021/02/19
Office Nodejs SDK走向統一
之前都仲有分Office/Excel/Word唔同嘅App有唔同嘅Task Panel, 而家統一哂. 同埋Object都統一用埋叫”Document” 2021/02/18
WordPress Plugin : Google drive album
Display images google drive in your WordPRess. 2021/02/06
Powershell to Loop through all SharePoint sites and pages
Import-Module : The specified module ‘OfficeWebApps’ was not loaded because no valid module file was found in any module directory.
This will fix the problem: 2020/08/16
Netbeans antlr plugin can format antlr source file
My netbeans antlr plugin finally can format antlr source code 2020/06/26
Netbeans bug
Netbeans 11.3 + JDK 13.0.2 + FlatLaf Light theme. Missing character “l” in the package name. If mouse over, tooptip shows correct name. 2020/05/28
Pnp provision framework
Pnp provision framework has these steps: 01/20 – Regional Settings02/20 – Supported UI Languages03/20 – Audit Settings04/20 – Site Security05/20 – Fields06/20 – Content Types07/20 – List instances08/20 – Features09/20 – Page Contents10/20 – Client Side Page Contents11/20 – Site Header12/20 – Site Footer13/20 – Property bag entries14/20 – Workflows15/20 – Web Settings16/20 – Site […] 2020/05/27
6 hours to fix my antlr netbeans plugin
Used near 6 hours to fix my netbeans-antlr plugin. I have to remember these: Netbeans build in antlr library have to in-sync with the antlr i am using in my pluging. If they in different version, unexpected result will come out. In windows, if antlr grammar has some mistakes (I meant not problems, your grammar […] 2020/05/09
Met Rick
2020/04/30. Our assembler team met Rick, Rick is come from America, our first team member from USA. Jenny shown her about the assembler design and Rick share his opinions about the UBC. 2020/05/01
spfx becoming super slow after added package buffer
After i added : “buffer”: “^5.4.3” , the “gulp serve –nobrowser” become super slow, stuck in Starting subtask ‘configure-webpack’. I am using spfx 1.10.0 my package.json 2020/02/29
Netbeans 11.2 still hand in startup, mac catalina
Delete crash modules’ xml in /Users/peter/Library/Application Support/NetBeans/11.2/config/Modules 2020/02/27
SharePoint coloring bug using latest spfx 1.10.0
Using the latest SPFx SDK, the theme color varable $ms-color-themeDark doesn’t work, it doesn’t affect the theme color, see below To fix it add this line @import ‘~@microsoft/sp-office-ui-fabric-core/dist/sass/SPFabricCore.scss’; 2020/02/20
SharePoint粉絲注意 : 新書上市Mastering Sharepoint Framework
Table of Contents1. Getting Started with SharePoint Framework2. Develop Your First SPFx Web Part3. SPFx Web Part Property Pane4. Custom Controls for Web Part Property Pane5. PnP Controls for Web Part Property Pane6. CSS Considerations7. Configure SPFx Web Part Icon8. Examine SPFx Web Parts on Modern SharePoint9. Host SPFx Web Parts from MS Azure CDN10. […] 2019/12/14
Assembler Meetup #23, 2019/12/07
Meet in MongKok. Mainly shorten the grammar. Jenny confirmed each instruction can be translated by same five functions. We confirmed if instruction has only one operand, we have to add byte/word/dword/qword, e.g.: inc byte [ax] And some instructions such as call doesn’t support all four combinations of byte/word/dword/qword, this “call byte [ax]” will report error […] 2019/12/07
Assembler Meetup #22, 2019/11/30
Jenny teach me code translate Not sure our method is unify or not Trying to make the grammar file shorter and uniform 2019/11/30
Assembler Meetup #21, 2019/11/23
Cityu is close, we change to meet in Moko 2019/11/30
New toy : Arduino wifi
Simplest tutorial to read yammer message in SPfx
Step 1 : Browser create your app Step 2 : Make sure you fill in the Javascript Origins, otherwise you will get an cors error Step 3 : Generate the developer token, we need it to send get/post form spfx Result: 2019/11/16
PowerApps for PowerBI終於都來了
我們終於可以用PowerApps去加強PowerBI Dashboard的動性, 亦可以用PowerApps作為一個UI的接口去程現不同的外部資料 2019/11/16
My first notebook that can run SP2019 on-premises
I have to switch back to windows because almost all verilog toolchain only work in windows. And I bought MSI Prestige-15-A10X which has 32GB ram and 1TB nvms ssd, it is only $15300 HKD, super valueable. It is the first notebook which i can run a SharePoint 2019 VM locally. 2019/11/14
Netbeans in Mac vs Windows
Netbeans in windows is much more ugly than in Mac, here is my point of view: Font is not align and not beautiful The java swing L&F in mac match with OS, but not the one in windows Toolbar icon style not match with windows 2019/11/13
Gitlab CI + core
Add auto build and publish using gitlab ci/cd services and deploy to ubuntu. 2019/11/12
Assembler Meetup #20, 2019/11/09
Kelvin and Jenny heading to encode b* and c* instructions Desmond keep going to PE format Peter try to add assembler marco. I will think about our own linker format next week. 2019/11/09
Assembler Dev #19 2019/11/02
We think the encoding method is stable, asked Jenny to write a wiki, describe how we can encode each instruction 2019/11/09
Netbeans module failed to install nb-javac
If you netbeans maven module used this in pom.xml, then you will have this problem 2019/10/06
YEAH ! 咪記終於有個Portal可以search哂所有sample code
YEAH ! 咪記終於有個Portal可以search哂所有sample code, 仲有埋azure on-click deploy 2019/10/05
How to measure an intranet portal
Heading to goal : Our assembler our elf file directly 2019/09/21
今天開發SharePoint SPFx項目時見到,大家多多注意Core.js這個比較底層的JS library 2019/09/18
Serious hanging problem in Microsoft Flow
I got a list on SharePoint Online, which is a typical list with some single-line col and one lookup field. I create a flow to get all item from it (no filtering), then use “Apply to each” to loop through all items. For testing, i got two identical loops. After i run it, one successful […] 2019/09/17
ELF Specification 1.2 is only for 32 bits
I am writing a java library to manipulate 64 bits ELF, so i read ELF specification 1.2 , but one big mistake i took is : this specification is only for 32 bits, and the 64 bits one introduce new data types. So I was trying to guess out what data types it is using […] 2019/09/09
Assembler dev meeting #11
sync-ed up Jenny coding skill to all of us. Jenny now clearing all useless code, rename variables to a more meaningful name. Our next job is to encode all instructions together, and for me, create an ELF library to output ELF format object code. Here is our tuned assembler grammar 2019/09/01
Print antlr version in runtime
Assembler Dev Meeting #9 2019/08/16
Meeting #9come up with these fixes: Kelvin fix 66 67 REX Prefix Ending bytes (displacement) Desmond fix IMM* > IMM 2019/08/19
Antlr所有Embed action都會跑在Listener前面
意思是會先跑光所有embed action,然後才會跑listener裏面的function 2019/08/06