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Framework 4.6 Namespace-to-Assembly Reference

Below is the table show you the mapping between namespace and assembly, thanks to the book “C# 7.0 in a Nutshell” Namespace Assembly Microsoft.CodeAnalysis Microsoft.CodeAnalysisMicrosoft.CodeAnalysis.CSharpMicrosoft.CodeAnalysis.VisualBasic Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CSharp Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CSharp Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CSharp.Syntax Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CSharp Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Diagnostics Microsoft.CodeAnalysis Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Diagnostics.Telemetry Microsoft.CodeAnalysis Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Emit Microsoft.CodeAnalysis Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Semantics Microsoft.CodeAnalysis Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Text Microsoft.CodeAnalysis Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.VisualBasic Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.VisualBasic Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.VisualBasic.Syntax Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.VisualBasic Microsoft.CSharp System Microsoft.CSharp.Activities System.Activities Microsoft.CSharp.RuntimeBinder Microsoft.CSharp Microsoft.SqlServer.Server System.Data Microsoft.VisualBasic System Microsoft.VisualBasic.Activities System.Activities […]

一本唔錯的vSphere SDK書

書中是6.0,雖然和6.7有點距離,但不失為一個入門書。 最重的是有一個學習規劃。 以下是一個vSphere programmer應該要懂的topic: managing inventory managing host systems managing virtual machines, snapshots, and vmotion managing clusters and resource pools managing networks managing storage and datastores event and alarms performance monitoring task and scheduled task user and license administration extending VI client scrioting the VI sdk with jython, perl and powershell 必需把以上topic用sdk寫一次!!!

SharePoint “Menu Item Custom Action” – Host VS App

If you are trying to add an menu to SharePoint Online, make sure you chosee “Host Web” instead of “App Web”. If you chose wrongly, there is no way to convert it back in Visual Studio. You have to manually edit MenuItemCustomAction1\SharePointProjectItem.spdata , see below. You have to change the line from the top one […]


由SPFx 1.0.0玩到昨天出的1.8.1,每一次升級framework都會遇到不同的麻煩。昨天Microsoft出了1.8.1,但我的Project還是用1.8.0,刪了node_module再npm i, 什麼也沒有做過就compile不到了,試了一回才發現最新版1.8.1剛出了,於是升級上去,結果又是什麼都沒有做,Project又變成可以compile到了。

Build library for SPFx 1.8.0 project use has to be careful the variable name

We have a library call quantr-spfx-library, which is a supporting library for our SPFx project. I tried to update a spfx project to 1.8.0 and unable to bundle it. The error is: Here is the original code from our library: As you can see, in the second line of above code, we have a library […]

Build dynamic SharePoint search experience using refiners and paging with SPFx, Office UI Fabric and PnP JS library Recently, I’ve submitted a SPFx Web Part sample showing how to build a dynamic search experience using Office UI fabric components and SharePoint search REST API. This sample comes directly from a real intranet project within SharePoint Online. Why you would you like to do this? Well, if you’re currently implementing a new intranet using SharePoint […]

Using PnPjs to send requests to MS Graph with SharePoint Framework 1.6

SPFx 1.6 was released recently and a lot of new and interesting features were introduced. AadTokenProvider, AadHttpClient, MSGraphClient  went to GA, which are my favorite features. One of the common thing in SPFx development is accessing other resources, protected with Azure AD. For example you might have your LOB API with Azure AD protection and you want to […]

PowerApps做唔到cross account的calendar真係一種遺憾

PowerApps每一次Export package去另一個Tenant,就算SharePoint Site裏面連個Site名都一樣,佢都係無法自動化完成所有import流程,一定要人肉入去搞一次,好花時間。而個calendar基本上只可以read當前登入者嘅calendar,如果唔係就要經group calendar或sharepoint list,設計唔算完美。

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