After testing, the minimal memory of xv6-riscv needed is 3MB
Category: Soft core cpu
start point to build our own jtag for our risc-v cpu
After days of hacking, i finally found out there is a dummy driver in openocd. just ./configure –enable-dummy and run it by ./bin/openocd -c ‘interface dummy’ -c ‘adapter_khz 1’ , you can see the dummy driver is running and in the function “static int dummy_write(int tck, int tms, int tdi)”, we can manually toggle the […]
Our RISC-V simulator interface
Hacking Lattice toolchain lesson 1
Lattice Diamond use these commands to compile my project into jed file Synthesize Design: synthesis -f ControlLed_impl1_lattice.synproj -gui -msgset C:/workspace/fpga/ControlLed/promote.xml Place & Route Design: par -w -l 5 -i 6 -t 1 -c 0 -e 0 -gui -msgset C:/workspace/fpga/ControlLed/promote.xml -exp parUseNBR=1:parCDP=0:parCDR=0:parPathBased=OFF ControlLed_impl1_map.ncd ControlLed_impl1.dir/5_1.ncd ControlLed_impl1.prf trce -v 10 -gt -sethld -sp 4 -sphld m -o ControlLed_impl1.twr […]
Can write simple test bench in vivado
After reading my verilog book for few days, i can write test bench file to test my verilog program in vivado. I like vivado much more than altera quartus, the UI is much more clean.
For the user interface, Vivado is much nicer than Quartus
For the user interface, Vivado is much nicer than Quartus. Better to stick into Xilinux to build my soft core.