Category Archives: Gossip
Port forward port 22 into WSL ubuntu
Run this command in windows host 2024/11/19
Resolved: unable to push to gitlab
if you meet this problem: fatal: the remote end hung up unexpectedly Do this: 2024/10/31
Remove old node_modules
Mac command to view all opened port
Install apache and php for http research
I need a super clean apache and forward all PHP requests to a independent php-cgi process which host by a specific port 1. Install Apache Mac In ubuntu, no need to build apache from source, just “sudo apt-get install apache2” Linux 2. Install PHP Mac Linux if you meet this error “configure: error: re2c 1.0.3 […] 2024/03/30
ubuntu , allow root to login mysql without sudo
X11 is good but slow in starbucks
I am sitting in Starbucks with network speed 15Mbps and try to use X11 forward for Netbeans coding. XMing is very low screen resolution so I changed to x410. The text is super clear now but the bandwidth not enought, so a little bit lagging. You can see xming font is not clear in my […] 2024/01/16
呢本書講道教, 其實IT同道教好多相似之處 1. 道教最開頭玩 [ 請雷 ] 同 [ 請聖 ], 因為朝庭有啲嘅做得唔好例如農業搞唔掂, 加上解釋唔到自然現象所以請神幫助. 道教認為自太初(姐係宇宙之初)有一啲叫天寶字符嘅野成形, 道教唔知呢啲圖形符號係乜黎, 只係知道佢有神力可以一用, 所以啲有道行嘅道士張佢寫係張紙到就可以用黎消災解難. 對比起IT, 啲IT人好多時都解釋唔到啲技術係乜, 公司唔掂無效率解決唔到, 班友搞唔掂唯由寫道符(Tender)請神, 但班友又唔神心請神變左請鬼. 呢本書都講如果道士寫符唔淨心就會走火入魔, 請左啲邪鬼上黎. 2. 道教根本係一個無乜哲學嘅宗教, 成單野就係一大群道士係到吹, 而道士同道士之間係無提出過任何質問, 總之你有你講我有我講, 大家唔好踢爆各玩各嘅, 成個宗教就係一個大型嘅俾面派對大家唔好阻住大家揾食. 你睇返而家IT界啲KOL, 個個都係講埋啲你阿媽係女人嘅野, 有時仲要講錯, 佢地係好唔鐘意有人對佢地提出質疑, 那怕個質疑只係一條簡簡單單嘅問題, 佢地都唔會回應而unfriend左你. 我試過問Emil Chan同方保僑係邊一方面嘅專家, 佢地都即刻block Q左我. 呢一點同道教嘅道士非常相似. 3. 皇帝有問題問啲道士, 例如天下係點形成, 運勢有咩走法咁, 啲道士會答到超級high level完全落唔到地嗰隻. 對比係印度同希臘啲哲學家, 使佢地答唔到, 佢地都會嘗試將個問題break down去啲細啲嘅問題去再解釋, 而道教係只會將你指來指去, 一時就太初點點點, 一時就啲鬼神點點點, […] 2023/08/20
Good bye IVE 21st July 2023
HKOSCON 2023 – Verilog talk
Photo – 2022
CityU-EE GEF Programme Mentorship Meeting (4 Feb 2023)
點解香港人搞open source project唔掂嘅原因
好認真咁搞左五年open source project,認真程度係出錢又出力,而家總結點解香港人搞open source唔掂,又或者好難掂嘅原因 香港人動手能力極其低下 其實呢一點都唔洗啲咩證明同解釋,香港IT界人技術人仕其本上打份牛工或者為生活做下freelance仲有少少力之外根本就乜力都無。無力嘅原因我唔知,但係估計離唔開根本唔鐘意寫program呢回事。嗰啲阿叔話就有二十年經驗,其實減去為左份糧而工作嘅經驗基本上一年經驗都無。佢地嘅技術主要黎自份牛工嘅隨學隨做,佢地會好自豪咁講「嗰嗰都係咁㗎啦」,佢哋嘅世界自由香港牛工市場,牛場就係佢地生日嘅全部。外個嘅open source developer夢想改變世界嘅時候佢地會用所謂嘅廿年經驗去點頭評足,好似可批判到單咁,好撚猥瑣 香港根本無前輩可以照耀後來者 都唔好話提點下你,以我經驗香港啲阿叔有超過50%會叫你不如唔好搞,原因嘅白痴程度突破天際 : 學界基本上係搞笑 香港學界係唔會復Email,唔好旨意你有技術問題可以問大學,一定唔會復你。香港大學教授嘅動手能力人盡皆知,就連香港嘅大學生都知自己教授唔會做實際野。係香港一個教授一年出12篇理文咁你估到佢地係到做緊乜野,香港學界唔可能堅負起作為一個城市嘅大腦嘅角色,可以咁講對普通市民,學界簡直係腦殘。 無政府支持 創新科技署無一個支援計劃係支持open source,佢地每一個支援計劃都要寫business proposal,佢地最想就係錢,直接拉高到香港GDP,你搞open source如果無即時market佢地係唔會支持你。同理科學園數碼港創科局都係一樣。因為政府零支持,加上滿腦子講商業價值,所以香港無前瞻性嘅民間科學研究,民間全面熄火。係政府嘅角度要做科學研究只會依賴大學同研究院,但兩者係開源嘅研究實力和貢獻都非常底下。 香港無籌款呢樣野 Apache group同GNU group有一大部份經費係黎自籌款而香港係無籌款呢單野,外國嘅企業用open source軟件,大嘅公司會捐錢資助個project,有好多會出埋人一齊改善個software,而香港嘅企業同政府係唔會咁做。香港班客佢地嘅屬性係西客,用都不特止仲要不停投訴,隻手同跛嘅無分別,唔會落手落腳去改良開源軟件,所以開唔開源對佢地黎講無分別。 2022/12/25
Very good AI book by examples
Knowledge Management
Never use Baidu Cloud Disk
Simple reaons, upload is fast, download only. few ten KB/s. It looks like Baidu don’t want you to download your file, locking you in forever 2021/01/25
Simplest guide to config tomcat to use https with lets encrypt’s free cert
Support you have generate a standalone cert using certbot command, and your cert is in /etc/letsencrypt/live/ . If not, follow this Execute openssl command and remember your password Edit tomcat’s conf/server.xml, you just need one connector to serve 8443, no need other conntector Restart your tomcat, it is done. Below is the virtualhost to […] 2019/11/23
玩了14年QQ終於被永久凍結了, 原因為了說了一些大陸不想聽的說話 2019/10/14
Mac inconsistence free disk space between “System Information” and “Disk Utility”
This command can fix: sudo tmutil thinLocalSnapshots / 10000000000 4 2019/09/23
Bash script to create a file with increment bytes
for ((x=0;x<=255;x++)); do a=`echo “obase=16; $x”|bc`;echo -n -e “\x$a”; done 2019/09/08
一本由讀computer science嘅人所寫嘅哲學書
我而家總結一下書中所帶出的哲學問題,所有讀computer science嘅人都應該花時間思考一下: 神。人。機械人。三者之關係 機械人的超限作用 人好明顯就是當機械人係奴隸 機械人之自我認同,自我意識 克隆人是機械人? 人是機械人? 2019/07/08
Destroyed Yamato
By a level 8 Russian Destroyer 2019/05/12
Php example to read all tweets for a specific user
雜心論對鬼有比較祥細的描述:1. 鬼有六識:眼意鼻舌身意,中國人普遍認為鬼無肉身,所以無身識2. 六道中各有不同的鬼,人死變人鬼,畜牲死變畜牲鬼,最特別的就是地獄眾生死後變死獄的鬼,由此可見地獄道眾生不是鬼,而餓鬼的眾生也不是鬼,如果不是鬼又怎會死了才變鬼呢3. 鬼經過女性的陰道投胎,而不是飛入個肚到投胎4. 有兩種說法,人道的鬼只能見到人道的鬼,第二種說法是人道的鬼可以見到比人道更低層次(地獄/畜牲/餓鬼)的鬼5. 鬼有時是見不到其它的鬼的,而中國的鬼應該是一定見到其它鬼的6. 鬼入胎後近右手為男,近左手為女,中國的鬼無此說法7. 地獄道的鬼頭向下腳向上而行走,只有天道的鬼才會飛8. 六道中各道的鬼與其道眾生,身型大小相差不遠 2019/01/15
Change github account in terminal
$git credential-osxkeychain erasehost=github.comprotocol=https[Press Return] To add your new account you can do the following commands:git config –global “YOUR NAME”git config –global “YOUR EMAIL ADDRESS” 2019/01/05
Godaddy cheap VPS之經驗
係Godaddy起左隻最Cheap VPS, $160蚊個月, 得一粒vcore同1GB Ram, 行ubuntu + mysql + apache + wordpress. 正常黎講要兩三個星期restart一次mysql因為out of memory. 行wordpres兩年之後response time趑黎越慢, 有成十秒先load到個page. 裝左W3 Total Cache之後快左好多, 一兩秒就load到, 建議大家一定要裝. 2018/11/28
Hyper-V是Type 1的Hypervisor
Hyper-V是Type 1的Hypervisor, 當你安裝完它的時侯, 它會比所在的windows更加底層, Bootloader是會首先加載它然後由它去啓動完先的那一個windows, 所以之後的vm也和那個windows同級, 所以就算那個windows死機了, 其實Hyper-V是沒有死的, 在它上面運行的vm更加不會死. 2018/08/14
喜歡黑人架構師Mike Brown的言論
Solved: Error while finding module specification for ‘azure.cli’ (ModuleNotFoundError: No module named ‘azure’)
when you have the follow error when running azure-cli az command: /Users/peter/lib/azure-cli/bin/python: Error while finding module specification for ‘azure.cli’ (ModuleNotFoundError: No module named ‘azure’) Just run directly 2017/12/10
I got over 2000 commits to open source projects
My github account is destroyed by a crazy Christian. I got over 2000 commits to open source projects, and 669 commits in last year. These screens are the only prove of my contribution now. 2017/11/25
Professor Terence Parr replied
Professor Terence Parr (Antlr creator) replied, this is a major different between foreigner professor and Hong Kong professor. Professor from Hong Kong never reply any technical question from public. 2017/09/19
linux elf dependency graph
linux elf dependency graph 2016/05/18
Enable peter-swing theme in netbeans
Edit : /Applications/NetBeans/NetBeans Change the line to: 2015/09/06
Linux view csv command
alias csv=’column -s, -t’ csv your_file 2015/06/16
objdump 2.24 has bug
objdump 2.24 has bug, but this bug is fixed in 2.25. It dump the wrong address for my 32 bits kernel. 2015/05/22
ubuntu 12.04 vnc startup script for fallback mode
Fixed ubuntu vnc keymap problem
ubuntu 12.04 vnc keymap has trouble, D become minimize all windows and S become start menu, run these to fix it. 2015/03/19
tomcat auto startup script
just save this to /etc/init.d/tomcat and link to /etc/rc5.d/S99tomcat 2015/01/21