Tag Archives: FPGA
砌機 : FPGA

Lattice FPGA比STM32簡單, 我應該可以搞得掂 用户手册: https://github.com/wuxx/icesugar-nano/blob/main/README.mdwin7串口驱动: https://github.com/wuxx/icesugar-nano/blob/main/doc/usbser.inf原理图及源码: https://github.com/wuxx/icesugar-nano 主要component其實得兩個: FGPA同粒Flash 2023/10/05
CLB and IOB design

altera and xilinx probably copying each other 2023/07/16
FPGA talk in HKIE meetup

FPGA talk in HKIE meetup in 2017 Nov 17, invited by Daniel Ng, he is actively engage in FGPA technologies. 2017/11/18