Using FlatArcOrangeIJTheme gives me a new fresh look of NetBeans

I am not sure I add this L&F right, but it just works. Below are the steps

  1. Download flatlaf-intellij-themes-2.0-rc1.jar and flatlaf-2.0-rc1.jar from . If you has any project used it by maven, just copy it from your .m2 folder
  2. Put those jars in C:\Program Files\NetBeans-12.5\netbeans\platform\lib
  3. Edit netbeans.conf , add below to netbeans_default_options
--laf com.formdev.flatlaf.intellijthemes.FlatArcOrangeIJTheme

Below is the code to use FlatArcOrangeIJTheme in your swing app

try {
    UIManager.setLookAndFeel(new FlatArcOrangeIJTheme());
} catch (Exception ex) {
    System.err.println("Failed to initialize LaF");

I am thinking to create a NetBeans plugin to let users switch themes, but the above code has to be run before any swing component is unitized. I tried to run these code in NetBeans action, but the whole NetBeans crash.

To use dark theme, add “–laf com.formdev.flatlaf.intellijthemes.FlatArcDarkOrangeIJTheme” and set the profile to dark

below is “–laf com.formdev.flatlaf.intellijthemes.FlatArcDarkIJTheme”

To scale it :

-J-Dsun.java2d.uiScale=2.5 --fontsize 18

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