gitlab backup guide

A Super Good scala sbt tool tutorial
Blender : Faucet

This tutorial give us a very good demo on rendering:
STM32 + DHT11 example
Solved : C# Azure functions in vs

If your c# azure functions project in visual studio has error : “There is no Functions runtime available that matches the version specified in the project.”. Do this : Click : Download & Install
Add -g option to riscv-tests

To enable debug, “CFLAGS=-g ./configure” won’t work, edit ./isa/Makefile and add -g to variable RISCV_GCC_OPTS then it works. The dump file won’t show debug info, run “riscv64-unknown-elf-objdump -DS rv64ui-v-addi” then you see it
Code magazine statistics

Total page Total article Editorial (no of page) Longest article (no of page) Advertisement (no of page) 2024 Nov Dec 76 11 1 14 5 2024 Sep Oct 76 12 1 25 8
Good bye THEi

我估實相係咁 : 時間係亂序執行

1. 時間係亂序執行,否則佛教不能自圓其說。只要亂序執行講得通,佛教整套哲學體系就會自己渝合。而家佛教哲學有幾個不能接合嘅地方,第一就係講所有野係空,但又因緣生。第二就係佛教嘅神通如果係真,根本容唔落係自己套哲學體系裏面。就算講得最清楚嘅龍樹,都只不過係話當「果」出現時,「因」先會被確定。如果時間係線性,呢單野根本完全唔合理,但如果時間就亂序執行,咁就好正確。因為係呢一對事物「因」+「果」佢地嘅時間當然係順序執行,但跳出左呢一對事物,佢地嘅時間線就唔係,所以係佢地時間線黎講果要出現左,因先可以成立。企左出去佢地嘅時間線,其實係果先出現,再到因。我再舉多個你地可以睇到嘅例子。int x; x=123. 呢兩句code,你地用verilator synthesis出logic gate,係呢兩句code嘅時間線上先有int x,先可以有x=123. 但其實係int x之前,係另一條時間線,x已經存在,所以果出現時,姐係int x出現時,佢個因x先被確立。乎合龍樹所講嘅野。古人因為科技所限,無法舉證。 2. 時間係唔係線性,而亂序執行唔會阻擋世情嘅出現。我地感受到時間係線性,因為只係我地要靠時間去圍持呢個身體同識。舉個實制例子,CPU係亂序執行,但被執行嘅program會以為自己嘅時間線係線性,但其實唔係。只係CPU唔會張下一句指令嘅執行結果話比上一句嘅指令知,最終令到program以為自己條時間線有如河流一樣線性。
Resolved : Mac pip unable to get local issuer certificate

WARNING: Retrying (Retry(total=4, connect=None, read=None, redirect=None, status=None)) after connection broken by ‘SSLError(SSLCertVerificationError(1, ‘[SSL: CERTIFICATE_VERIFY_FAILED] certificate verify failed: unable to get local issuer certificate (_ssl.c:992)’))’: /simple/matplotlib/
Weact Logic Analyzer
A simple hex dump for dns request and response


How to make your netbeans more beautiful

Set to a better font size 4. Set the color
Fixed dwarf bug

When i change kernelvec.S to -ggdb, my dwarf library broken but now fixed. Commit :e640c3d9 And I still don’t understand why .S won’t be an compile unit in dwarf, why design like that.
Install apache and php for http research

I need a super clean apache and forward all PHP requests to a independent php-cgi process which host by a specific port 1. Install Apache Mac In ubuntu, no need to build apache from source, just “sudo apt-get install apache2” Linux 2. Install PHP Mac Linux if you meet this error “configure: error: re2c 1.0.3 […]
ubuntu , allow root to login mysql without sudo

Linear Regression in java

QEMU risc-v , log all memory operations

Step 1: Step 2: modify ./tests/tcg/plugins/mem.c , add this code in vcpu_mem() Step 3: in xv6-riscv change this to Then you see this References
Corsair MP600 needs to upgrade SSD firmware otherwise speed is very slow

RISC-V qemu doesn't log "PRIV" in every instruction

RISC-V qemu seems wrong because it doesn’t log “PRIV:” in every instruction in qemu.log. Even mret is execute and the mode is changed, it doesn’t log “PRIV”. To fix this:
WordPress Theme to support post-views-counter

To make the plugin works, need to call wp_footer() in footer.php
Arduino Function Generator

I am using Nano and AD9833 to build a simple function generator. Code in here

我想探討一下用電腦program與佛教輪廻之對比,唯先你必需要明白佛教講的核心理論就是無我,無常 Program之空性體驗 當你寫一段program去令電腦運行時,你所寫的每一行代碼你都會解釋到它的用途,所以你會有一種非常實在的感覺,但當你越鑽越深的時候,你會發現一個有趣現象就是你認為一個好實在的個體,例如 int x,去到深處你會發現它消失不見,又或者它可以同時出現在不同的空間之中。這正正體驗到佛教所講的無我,無我的意思是一件物件必定是由多個因緣所組成,它要在特定時刻和經由特定情況先至可以顯露在你面前,program都是一樣,你看不到只是你編程功力不夠
MCP4725 I2C DAC Breakout board

Bought from here Testing maximum frequency, around 800us
syscall.c for STM32 + XCubeAI


“紅色程序員”又或者”大中華程序員”之定義: “大香港程序員”之定義
砌機 : FPGA

Lattice FPGA比STM32簡單, 我應該可以搞得掂 用户手册: 串口驱动:原理图及源码: 主要component其實得兩個: FGPA同粒Flash

香港啲技術人好小氣, 所以同佢地交流要好小心, 以下列出必需要注意嘅重點
Build a programmer for ATF22V10C using Arduino
Shatin IVE library has great books

Shatin IVE library has great FPGA books, I think they have a long history in electronics.

呢本書講道教, 其實IT同道教好多相似之處 1. 道教最開頭玩 [ 請雷 ] 同 [ 請聖 ], 因為朝庭有啲嘅做得唔好例如農業搞唔掂, 加上解釋唔到自然現象所以請神幫助. 道教認為自太初(姐係宇宙之初)有一啲叫天寶字符嘅野成形, 道教唔知呢啲圖形符號係乜黎, 只係知道佢有神力可以一用, 所以啲有道行嘅道士張佢寫係張紙到就可以用黎消災解難. 對比起IT, 啲IT人好多時都解釋唔到啲技術係乜, 公司唔掂無效率解決唔到, 班友搞唔掂唯由寫道符(Tender)請神, 但班友又唔神心請神變左請鬼. 呢本書都講如果道士寫符唔淨心就會走火入魔, 請左啲邪鬼上黎. 2. 道教根本係一個無乜哲學嘅宗教, 成單野就係一大群道士係到吹, 而道士同道士之間係無提出過任何質問, 總之你有你講我有我講, 大家唔好踢爆各玩各嘅, 成個宗教就係一個大型嘅俾面派對大家唔好阻住大家揾食. 你睇返而家IT界啲KOL, 個個都係講埋啲你阿媽係女人嘅野, 有時仲要講錯, 佢地係好唔鐘意有人對佢地提出質疑, 那怕個質疑只係一條簡簡單單嘅問題, 佢地都唔會回應而unfriend左你. 我試過問Emil Chan同方保僑係邊一方面嘅專家, 佢地都即刻block Q左我. 呢一點同道教嘅道士非常相似. 3. 皇帝有問題問啲道士, 例如天下係點形成, 運勢有咩走法咁, 啲道士會答到超級high level完全落唔到地嗰隻. 對比係印度同希臘啲哲學家, 使佢地答唔到, 佢地都會嘗試將個問題break down去啲細啲嘅問題去再解釋, 而道教係只會將你指來指去, 一時就太初點點點, 一時就啲鬼神點點點, […]

係香港,由其是CS同EE你好少見到教授做implement嘅原因不外乎以下兩個 如何改變呢一個現實 要有一群死士執行以下任務
VTC個online library係無敵嘅

Download論文一個click, 至少比Cityu無敵
Solved Chisel : Error compiling the sbt component 'compiler-bridge_2.12'

When running the chisel book example, we got Error compiling the sbt component ‘compiler-bridge_2.12’. Here are the way to solve it git clone Edit hello-world/build.sbt Edit hello-world/src/main/scala/Hello.scala

MX512G : 低压单通道有刷直流电机驱动器, RMB $2MX1616S : 双路有刷直流马达驱动电路, RMB $7.8TRSP5040A : SOP8語音OTP芯片40秒碩呈語音播報IC程序開發, RMB 0.27RF2520A : 无线遥控收发器芯片, RMB $4.3
iPad stand using FreeCad


香港花太多時間係用玩具去吸引學生學編程,但無提升到對編程概念嘅表達,其實所有人都應該明白,如果係鐘意寫Program嘅小朋友,絕大部份第一次接觸就會愛上,其實係唔存在你要買好多玩具俾佢試先會所謂「啓發」到佢地嘅興趣。而個社會咁做不外乎得以下幾種可能 上面三個原因互為影響互相加強,所以教育展變教育玩具展。 對香港嘅影響: 大家都係做代理唔研發,而大粒佬係呢啲展到都係得講野兩個字亦都唔會研發,最終後果就係香港洗好多錢係教育到最尾得個殼,香港人可以話俾外國人知香港投資左好多錢落教育,買左好多光鮮嘅玩具,除此之外乜都無。香港唔洗諗會出到Basic之父或者Logo之父等等一系列用實際行動去壓低學習難度嘅教育家,香港人唔洗諗,所以我地要以行動作出改變。 教育展中嘅清泉: 呢間公司做到好Deep,成套教學工具自己出,老細寫左本ROS嘅書有自己嘅學習思想,相信佢係用自己學習ROS嘅學習經驗濃縮出黎
Port forward port 22 into WSL ubuntu

Run this command in windows host
How laravel can inject function to object in their ORM

The technique they have used are “trait“, “magic function” and “call_user_func_array“. The whole thing work in runtime, not compile time. 1. Php trait PHP trait is just like copy and paste the code from trait into the injected class. 2. Magic function When calling a not exist function, the __call function will be called. Laravel […]
Resolved: unable to push to gitlab

if you meet this problem: fatal: the remote end hung up unexpectedly Do this:
香港編程界必須「代碼脫亞入歐, 工作脫港入陸」

「代碼脫亞入歐」這一概念可以從幾個方面來理解,特別是在香港的編程界與日本的明治維新之間進行比較。 1. 歷史背景 2. 技術與創新 3. 教育與培訓 4. 政策支持 5. 文化與思維轉變 總結來說,「代碼脫亞入歐」不僅是技術上的轉型,更是一種思維方式和文化的變革。香港的編程界若能學習日本明治維新的經驗,將能在全球化的浪潮中更好地立足與發展。
Resize ext4 inside ubuntu and virtualbox with lvm

Statistics formula in Excel

Remove old node_modules

Mac command to view all opened port

Simplest standalone ApacheDS server

This code run a standalone ApacheDS server, you can use ApacheDS studio to connect to it, it host localhost:10389 pom.xml Then you can connect it by ApacheDS Studio
IoT sensors

Quantr Dwarf Library - Print address/lineNo/ColNo from specific address

Dinner with HKI MEICOM


Road map to learn AI

Qemu's trace_memory_region_ops_write

I was trying to find the body of trace_memory_region_ops_write function in qemu source code, can’t find it. It is generated by python script (
Latest SPFx, web parts not appear

Using latest SPFx with node v18, pack and deploy the app no error, but web parts not appear, because you missed this. When you upgrade your SharePoint project, beware of this
Create a breadboard FPGA

We tried to ask GOWIN to let us generate the bitstream but seems they are not willing to open their standard, xilinx and altera has no hope too. So for education purpose we now go for build a simple one. We found the way to break logic into LUTs, so we want to build a […]
ENC28J60 + Arduino

Arduino + AD9833 using library by Rob Tillaart

Buy the board here : Install the library, see below Make sure connect these pins to the board, total 5 pins, follow below Refer to , more examples in

GY-4725 board

Bought from here. This code test maximum frequency, around 1ms period is peak Documents
Redis uses its own protocol to communicate between redis-server and redis-client

I thought db client sending plain text command (in SQL) to server and server parse the command. But I found Redis and Mysql client communicate to server via a custom protocol, that prove the client parse the command, not the server socat -v tcp-listen:8001,reuseaddr,fork tcp:localhost:6379
Funny Toy : Oscilloscope

I got this electronic toy from Taobao, i want to have more experience on soldering and putting different components on the PCB and making them work. After 3 hours in soldering and 1 hour in debugging, i finally make it works All documents here

已經同大部份嘅公營機構做過生意, 公營機構嘅IT部技術同hands-on氣氛同以下元素嘅關係 同以下元素有關係, 我解釋唔到點解, 但觀察得之係有一定關係
Multimeter book, teach you how to build one

Arduino read/write AT24C256

Many examples not work from google, it is because it needs a delay after write operand, so i put delay(100)
ATMEGA328P default fuse

Funny lesson today to build few 8-bit registers

Teaching teens for electronics is a rewarding and fulfilling experience. Electronics is a fascinating field that combines creativity, logic, and problem-solving. By teaching teens for electronics, you can help them discover the joy of learning new skills, creating useful devices, and exploring the world of technology. You can also inspire them to pursue their passions, […]

香港嘅科研唔掂,由其是教育界嘅科研,因為佢地無”愛”。香港教育界當然有好多熱心教育嘅老師,但亦有好多人令教育界唔似教育界 1. 老師未必愛好和平 通常真係鐘意教人嘅人都會係比較和平,始終教人係一件神聖嘅事業。但係好多院校內鬥好嚴重,好多時候啲老師好鐘意鬥來鬥去,所以佢地一啲都唔愛好和平。 2. 其實教育界好多時都無乜包容 好多時候學生做錯少少野佢地會發火,無乜包容可言,學校理應係一個提供無限犯錯機會嘅地方,但相反,香港有好多學院根本唔容許人犯錯,無論係學生或者老師都係。舉個例子,youtube上大吧流浪教師,佢地都唔好話做錯野,只要做左少少人地睇唔順眼嘅野,就會被人搞掂。好多老師佢地嘅性格比公務員更加公務員,有突發事件,佢地會嬲。有啲唔係佢地plan左而出現左嘅事,佢地會發癲。總之佢地嘅性格係要跟預定計劃而行,任何人任何事只要中途殺出,佢地就會發狂。所以無論對人對事都無乜包容。 3. 老師根本就好小氣 學校呢個環境其實係一個好好俾人地小氣嘅環境,老師對上得幾個人佢地在乎,其它身邊嘅所有老師佢地可以盡性小氣一翻,小氣亦都可以好長久,姐係記仇。因為咁樣好多老師都無乜人際能力,舉個例子,兜口兜面打照乎可以無反應。 4. 香港嘅老師係按本子辦事嘅生物 一句講哂,跟課程教跟學校規舉。學校想點就點,大家打份工。外國老師因材施教係香港唔會發生,可以咁講,個種程度唔同。香港老師都會認為自己會因材施教,但變幅可能係10%,外國嘅係50%係香港唔會發生。點因材施教都好,功課唔會改,考試亦都會照考。 咁同香港嘅學院研究下啲野可唔可行呢? 無話唔可行嘅,六合彩都有人中啦。但我嘅真實睇法係呢個機會好渺茫。原因係咁:唔愛好和平嘅老師通常唔識做人,科研要有長久而穩定嘅人際關係,佢地唔會俾到你。無包容嘅學院你亦都唔洗哂時間去遊說,因為佢地個氣氛唔係做科研,佢地係打工。加上無包容度嘅老師無可能同你一齊研究一樣野好耐,因為科研要經歷失敗,佢地一經歷失敗就會發癲。你唔好同按本子辦事嘅老師講推廣科技,教書只係一份工作,除非好快可以幫到佢升職,否則你都係唔好哂時間。 其實掉返轉頭諗,如果香港嘅學院真係咁識得同人合作搞科研,全世界一早排隊黎揾佢地啦,洗等你咩。佢地一定係有一啲被全世界都唾棄嘅缺點,否則香港唔會係而家咁嘅局面。
貴族 vs 老土 (貴族之女,第一個程序員Ada Lovelace)

香港人嘅老土活該沒有科技,我而家分析俾你地睇香港人嘅老土係有幾老土,以及老土嘅香港人點解覺得自己唔老土 第一老土 : 你憑咩 佢地所謂嘅論證不外乎係黎自你所受嘅教育同埋經驗,佢地會話你又唔係哈佛MIT學咩野人搞之類嘅言論,但呢班無讀歷史嘅人唔知好多科學家都係自學為主。(見下圖) 香港人老土在永遠人地努力做,佢地就會問”你憑咩”,其實呢一句好無敵,因為當你做緊而又未做完嘅時間你的確無力反駁呢一句,由其是你係做緊一啲你自己都唔知做唔做到嘅野時,你更加無力反駁。但呢班友永遠唔明,科學嘅發現好多時就係意外發現,好多野唔做就唔唔知得唔得,而呢班咁嘅人最叻就係用呢句去質疑你,佢地嘅內心世界就係「嘩,你做呀,你有無諗過㗎」,跟住就會覺得自己好似好有經驗,好似真係以為自己曾經做過咁,知道你條路係唔通,其實個現實就係,呢班友根本無做過,而更深一層嘅就係,佢地連去嘗試嘅基本實力都無,佢地唔係連個for-loop都寫唔出就係技術只夠寫啲script仔,真係可憐。 第二老土 : 話人畫餅 呢個世界唔係所有人都需要理想,而理想呢樣野個實現率必定為低。香港地當然多人畫餅,但係係唔係畫餅好容易分,得個噏字唔做咪就係畫餅囉,會做嘅又點會算係畫餅呢,但係呢班咁嘅人就最叻攻擊啲為理想而行動嘅人。佢地個底其實係數佬,內心世界非常現實,我估計佢地後生嘅時候都曾經有理想,但手料跟唔上人到中年完全無哂動手能力,思想上變得越黎越現實,腦裏面諗一百個可能性去否定執行嘅成功率,不停俾借口自己逃避執行以至完全喪失執行力,佢地係編程上嘅實力只能點評人地寫嘅program,而自己乜都寫唔到。 Ada係連電都未係好識運用嘅年代就話要令機器有計算能力,如果香港班友返去佢嗰個時代,呢班友就會話人畫餅。嗰個時代根本就係非常簡陋。當呢班友話人畫餅,佢地嘅內心有一種好充盈嘅感覺,佢地會覺得:「嘿嘿,我真係叻,無俾你利用到」。但係個現實係咩呢,就係呢班友手料根本連俾人利用嘅資格都無,同你講下理想只係發下噏瘋而矣,唔好諗得自己咁有料可以俾人利用。 第三老土:話做唔做或者揾借口唔繼續做 話做唔做嘅人主要會話你唔夠條件做,做緊又揾借口唔繼續做嘅人會話發現你原來唔夠料做,又或者話發現你身上有啲缺點而唔再同你合作做。總之無論係咩原因都好,結果就係唔做。我地睇返Ada Lovelace個Case,當佢話要做一部Thinking machine嘅時候,佢mentor Charles Babbage唔會因為佢太天馬行空而屈佢畫餅,想反地會動手一齊做。而Charles Babbage亦都唔會話Ada無足夠嘅錢同埋未讀過大學就話人無料而做做下唔做。
重點係Draw small + detail,畫大無用

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Java getting millions files from SharePoint online

This function is using SharePoint-Java-API library.
PhpIsDead framework init idea

dhrystone compile issue in riscv-tests

this problem happens in both mac and ubuntu /home/peter/workspace/riscv-tests/benchmarks/dhrystone/dhrystone.c:20:1: error: return type defaults to ‘int’ [-Wimplicit-int] Fixed is here…pratikkedar:riscv-tests:pratik-test
This book is totally outdated

This book is totally outdated because the official facebook PHP SDK is already deprecated. Now we should go for facebook javascript SDK
H2 hex function

This will select value in hex format, beware the bit width, otherwise it wrap to zero
Azure CDN SAS token expired will give you wrong error message

Azure CDN SAS token expired will give you wrong error message of the expired period
HKPS First RISC-V Board

M2/M3 hole size Bolt Sizes Chart & Metric Bolt Dimensions THREAD SIZE MAJOR DIAMETER (MM) MINOR DIAMETER (MM) THREAD PITCH (MM) PITCHDIAMETER(MM) TAPPINGDRILL DIAMETER(MM) CLEARANCEHOLE DIAMETER(MM) M1 1.0 0.729 0.25 0.838 0.75 1.3 M1.1 1.1 0.829 0.25 0.938 0.85 1.4 M1.2 1.2 0.929 0.25 1.038 0.95 1.5 M1.4 1.4 1.075 0.30 1.205 1.10 1.8 M1.6 1.6 1.221 […]
All the gates I have


Good ELF diagram
Teaching students for competition in THEi


IT projects play a crucial role in advancing Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) goals. Let’s explore how digital initiatives can contribute to ESG efforts: In summary, IT projects can drive positive change by integrating ESG principles, optimizing energy usage, and contributing to global sustainability.
fix TS1005 in spfx project

“extends”: “./node_modules/@microsoft/rush-stack-compiler-3.9/includes/tsconfig-web.json”,
The way to extend qemu TCG plugin functionality

Hi, if want to to provide other function-calls to TCG plugin, such as reading guest memory, follow these steps: 5. Run in qemu 6. Edit xv6-riscv Makefile: References:
X11 is good but slow in starbucks

I am sitting in Starbucks with network speed 15Mbps and try to use X11 forward for Netbeans coding. XMing is very low screen resolution so I changed to x410. The text is super clear now but the bandwidth not enought, so a little bit lagging. You can see xming font is not clear in my […]
Netbeans programmatically add watch expression to the "watch window"

use this code pom.xml
NOR vs NAND flash

i finally found the differences between NOR and NAND flash, but just dont know what is it

首先,你要承認幾點先 千萬唔可以俾佢地知你知呢幾樣野,否則死得好慘 要不停贊美呢幾樣野
Arduino + AD9833

Buy from here. I am using the example from here but ignore the switch buttons. You need to add this zip into the library and make sure don’t install the other library call “AD9833”, very important
Rotate button by Arduino

Refer to , buy from here

Main point: calculate Ib, we can do it by Ib=Ic / Beta min OR Ib=(Vb – 0.7) / Rb
FPGA Research

This is a synthesis of a simple verilog program in vivado
Nucleo-L476RG DAC


香港有好多阿叔,業界學界商界全部都係由阿叔為主,同佢地只要係有少少聯絡,你都要好小心,以下是指引 香港唔存在”前輩”呢一層,我唔係話香港無人夠資格稱做前輩,而係真正稱得上係前輩嘅人太少,唔足以叫做一代人。所以要摒棄幻想,唔好諗住搞到啲阿叔去指導你,唔點你都算係咁。香港啲中小學生同年青人未知呢個事實,所以寫呢篇文。

其實香港啲IT教育大家心裏邊都覺得唔係太work, 至於點解唔work你問啲學生就知. 所以我打算宣揚呢個教學理念, 但係呢個理念太難(右圖), 所以先執行一個簡化版理念(左圖). 首先我地盡可能用自己開發嘅tool去教學生, 呢一點難度好大, 因為要求位老師真係實際咁開發到舊野出黎, 完整程度要足以教學, 咁樣可以收兩個好處, 老師保證足夠handson, 學生保證學到最handson嘅skill. 做到呢樣野相信教學會煥燃一新. 香港太多課程啲老師照稿讀, 根本自己就對自己所教嘅野無足夠深度嘅認識. 舉個例子, MIT嘅Operating system課程不單止老師可以創造一個OS, 佢地亦都可以帶領學生去創造一個OS, 而香港嘅OS課程只係吹下powerpoint, 抽少少concept寫少少C++就算數, 無論完整性都沒法同外國比. 又例如香港教compiler嗰班老師又有幾多個可以寫到一個完整compiler出黎, 咁樣仲走去教人唔知會教到啲咩知識出黎. 當老師真係攞得起自己舊野去教, 啲學生又學得識, 最後一步就係要啲學生投入返去開發個project, 咁老師同學生就會有一個可以共同進步嘅圈. 收到嘅好處就係啲學生唔會覺得老師無料, 老師唔會覺得學生廢. 係香港提出一啲會帶來改變嘅意見好危險, 我而家提出呢個理念肯定都好多人跳出黎插我, 佢地嘅原因不外乎就係話用人地嘅tool去教一樣收到好效果, 呢一點我都懶得去反駁.
Quantr-Logic + PLD

We are thinking of synthesis logic into FPGA but the task is quite complex, We found a new way to do what we want: We generate the jedec file and let the end user burn it into PLD. This brings us the ability to design logic from Quantr-Logic, kick a button, and burn it into […]
RISC-V Day Hong Kong 2023

thank you Professor Ray invited us to join

15.8.2023IT 小姐組一次工作會議在IT小組主席張民傑獅兄、總監陸嘉暉獅兄、第二副總監梁鳳華獅姐 領導下訂定各項IT工作,肯定今年的工作計劃賣個關子:好快會有重要IT事情宣佈
We have built the 8 bits register

Teenager computer architecture free lessons